The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2015 Volume 104
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange

The 7th CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series

The Chinese University of Hong Kong held the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) Academicians Visit Programme from 2 to 5 December 2014.  Three distinguished academicians visited CUHK for academic exchange, including Prof. Liu Depei of the Division of Health Engineering, Prof. Guo Renzhong and Prof. Li Jiancheng of the Division of Civil Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering. They delivered public lectures and met with CUHK representatives to discuss collaboration opportunities in earth science and medical engineering.

The delegates were warmly received by CUHK senior members including Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chairperson of the Research Committee; Prof. Gordon Cheung, Associate-Vice-President; Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Dean of Engineering, Prof. Francis Chan, Dean of Medicine; and Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, Dean of Social Science.

The scholars visited the Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Geography and Resource Management, the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, the Orthopadeic Learning Center, the CUHK Jockey Club Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills Centre, and the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences where they met with relevant faculty members to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further research collaboration. 

On 3 December, the three academicians delivered public lectures for the Lecture Series by Academicians to share their experience and expertise in their respective fields of research with CUHK members. More than one hundred people including academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other universities as well as members from the general public were attracted to the lectures.

CAE Academicians Visit Program was launched by the University in 2008 to promote academic exchange with CAE. For more information, please visit:

CAE Academicians meet with CUHK representatives

Prof. Liu Depei of the Division of Health Engineering

Prof. Guo Renzhong of the Division of Civil Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering

Prof. Li Jiancheng of the Division of Civil Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering

Prof. Liu visits the Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Liu visits the Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Guo (1st from left) and Prof. Li (2nd from right) visit the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science

Prof. Guo (left) and Prof. Li (right) visit the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change

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:: Festive Greetings from OALC
:: Strategic Outreaching Trips
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:: Student Interflow Programmes
:: Other Important Visits
:: Forthcoming Events
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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