The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2015 Volume 104
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

Invitation to CUHK Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students 2015

In order to enhance further collaboration and to strengthen close partnership with the University's partner institutions in Mainland China and Taiwan, the Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students is held every year since 2008. The programme next year will be held from 28 June to 15 August (7 weeks). Staff members from academic and research units of CUHK are invited to support the programme by providing opportunities for students from CUHK's strategic partners in Mainland China and Taiwan to receive research training at CUHK.


If you are interested in or have any enquiries about the programme, please contact Mr Simon LEUNG (Tel: 39434412; email: of our Office. You may also access the webpage below for programme photos, videos and sharing articles taken in the past few years!

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:: Strategic Outreaching Trips
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:: Student Interflow Programmes
:: Other Important Visits
:: Forthcoming Events
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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suggestions and contributions to

Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.


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