25. 11. 2018    ISSUE 13

The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed

The "Core Group Nurture" of the I·CARE Achievers Programme had its selection interview conducted in October and finally recruited 30 students as core members.  At the introductory session, members not only learnt the content and requirement of the Programme, but also mingled among themselves.  The session was climaxed by the signing of the I·CARE Pledge by each member, which symbolised their commitment to the Programme.

Following the introductory session was a three-day induction programme kick-started by the "Training Day Camp on Leadership and Team-building" on 28 October at the Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp.  Members took part in a wide range of adventure-based and problem-solving activities which strengthened their self-esteem, perseverance and leadership.  Their teamwork was established at the same time.  On 4 November, members joined a "Retreat Day" in Casphalt situated at Tuen Mun.  Through non-religious meditation and Zentangle, members achieved inner serenity and raised their self-awareness.  The last part of the three-day induction programme was the "Workshop on Value Clarification" on 24 November.  It, being spanned for a day, aimed to enhance members' understanding of various personal values and character strengths.

In coming days, members will be placed under the framework of the "Core Group Nurture" of the I·CARE Achievers Programme to foster their all-round development.  They are required to complete a series of challenging tasks and a number of co-curricular activities.

If there is any enquiry, please contact Ms. Leung of this Centre at 3943 1595 (Tel) or carolleung@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed
The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed
The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed
The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed
The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed

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Table of Contents


Value Exploration Series under I·CARE Achievers Programme - Remoulding Camp

CUSE Fund 2018-19: Open for Application Now

Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project: Volunteer Recruitment

The Second Survey by Questionnaire on Students' Holistic Competencies

I·CARE Giveaway: Let Our Heart Breathe Illustrated Booklet

Roving Exhibition of Hong Kong Red Cross's Humanity Wall

S.I. Leadership Award 2018-19: Open for Application Now

University Lecture on Civility 2018: Nicely Concluded

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Progress Update

The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed

I·CARE Theatre - When They Met in the Fall

I·CARE Salon (14th Session) - A Tribute to the Enlighteners

"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme: Smoothly Launched

Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay: Enthusiastically Received

S.I. Leadership Workshop: Successfully Held

Event Calendar


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