The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 01, 2016 Volume 124
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

1. Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students Receives Over 100 Students
2. Mainland Students Enjoys Summer Cultural Interflow Programme in CUHK
3. Summer Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities 2016
4. CUHK Student Ambassador Programme 2016/17 Open for Application


Summer Research Placement Programme Receives Over 100 Mainland and Taiwan Students


The Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students this year was held from June 29 to August 17, with a record-high of 108 participants (the first time exceeding 100) to undertake research training in 25 acadmic and research units of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The students were from the following mainland and Taiwan universities (in alphabetical order):


Mainland universities (25 in total)


Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Agricultural University, Chongqing Medical University, Guangdong Ocean University, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jinan University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, National University of Science and Technology, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan University, South China University of Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Sun Yat-sen University, Tianjin University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University


Taiwan universities (7 in total)


National Central University, National Cheng Kung University, National Chiao Tung University, National Taipei University, National Taipei University of Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Shu-Te University


Participating students received 7-week training and took part in research activities in CUHK.  Apart from seminars, Cantonese workshops and cultural exploration activities, students visited public organizations and museums of the city, and had the chance to gain a solid understanding of the city and the university through interacting with CUHK staff and students. They were hosted by the following 25 units (in alphabetical order) of the University:



Faculties and Schools (6 in total)


Faculty of Engineering, School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Chinese Medicine, School of Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, The Jockey Club School of Public Health ad Primary Care


Departments and Programmes (13 in total)


Department of Chemistry, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Geography and Resource Management, Department of Government and Public Administration, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Department of Physics, Department of Social Work, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Department of Statistics, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Earth System Science Programme


Research Units (6 in total)


Center for Housing Innovations, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease, T Stone Robotics Institute


To enhance collaboration among CUHK and universities in mainland China and Taiwan, whilst encouraging academic and cultural exchange among students across the strait, Office of Academic Links (China) [OALC] organizes this annual programme since 2008.  If you would like to provide placement opportunities in the coming year or have further enquiries, please contact Mr Simon Leung of our office at 39434412 or via  Extracts of students' feedback are available in the Chinese version of this article.


Mainland Students Enjoy Summer Cultural Interflow Camp in CUHK


The Office of Academic Links (China) [OALC] organized the Summer Cultural Interflow Programme for Mainland Students from August 1 to 6, 2016.  A record high of 77 students from the following 23 mainland universities (in alphabetical order) took part in the programme, spending a meaningful week with 12 CUHK student ambassadors:


Beihang University, Captial Medical University, Central China Normal University, Central South University, Chongqing University, Communication University of China, Fudan University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Lanzhou University, Nanjing University, Northeast Normal University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shaoguan University, Shenzhen University, Sichuan University, South China Normal University, South China University of Techinology, Southwest University, Sun Yat-sen University, Tianjin University, Tsinghua University


A series of experiential learning activities were conducted in the 6-day programme, ranging from seminars, workshops, exploratory tours, visits to public organizations and museums, as well as excursions to local wonders and scenic spots.  Apart from acquiring knowledge of CUHK and other universities in Hong Kong, students had the chance to build up a more comprehensive picture of the city's political, economic, social and cultural developments. Students from mainland China and CUHK also interacted actively and established close friendship with one another, making the camp an even more unforgettable and meaningful one for themselves.


OALC has been organizing this summer camp since 2010 to provide chances for mainland and CUHK students to interact and understand different cultures from one another, and to enable the University to strengthen its links with partner universities on the mainland.  Extracts of participants' feedback are available in the Chinese version of this article.


Summer Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities 2016


OALC coordinated four student interflow programmes in collaboration with various partner institutions in August, sending 15 CUHK students to mainland China.  Some new activities were introduced (marked with *).  Students broadened their horizons and acquired knowledge of the latest developments of cross-strait regions, whilst getting to know new friends of diverse cultural backgrounds during their participation.  Below is the list of activities in August:





Number of Participants

City Changemakers: Summer Workshop on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2016

Tsinghua University



The 7th Cultural and Academic Summer Camp for Guangdong and Hong Kong Students

Sun Yat-sen University



Voluntary Teaching Service Camp in Hunan *

Shanghai Jiao Tong University



A Field Study on Preservation of Architectual Heritage *

Shanghai Jiao Tong University




OALC will continue organizing more student interflow and experiential learning programmes.  Enquiries and feedback on the programmes can be forwarded to Mr. Simon LEUNG of our Office at 39434412 or via


CUHK Student Ambassador Programme 2016/17 Open for Application

Every year, OALC receives hundreds of delegations from mainland China and Taiwan to foster academic links and partnership with the two regions.  Delegates include senior members and scholars, as well as university students.  Under the Student Ambassador Programme, OALC recruits CUHK students to help receive delegations (especially student delegations), and help organize our student activities.


Our ambassadors will be mainly responsible for leading campus tours and sharing their learning experience with the delegates on behalf of the University.  We also encourage those who have visited mainland China and Taiwan to introduce the University to mainland and Taiwan instititutions.


The ambassador programme is now open for application.  Students will receive training before being assigned to help receive delegations.  Subsidies will be provided according to the University's Student Campus Work Scheme.  Interested full-time CUHK students (undergraduates and postgraduates with a good command of Putonghua) are invited to apply via the webpage below by noon, September 23 (Friday):


The training sessions will be held at 2:30 pm on September 27 (Tuesday) and 29 (Thursday). Enquiries can be forwarded to Mr. Simon LEUNG of our Office at 39434412 or via

Participants of the research placement programme take smart pictures in the opening ceremony

Mainland and Taiwan students open their mouth for the first few Cantonese words!

Students explore the dynamic city at weekends (Photo Credit: Mr Guo Bokai)

Prof. Dennis Ng (middle), Associate Vice-President of CUHK and University Dean of Students, presents certificates and souvenirs to participants of the Summer Research Placement Programme

Participants preform on stage to share their happiness with fellow students and CUHK staff and teachers

Mainland and Taiwan participating students pose for a group photo in the closing ceremony after the 7-week research placement programme

Participating students in the summer camp pose for a group photo in typhoon with Prof. Wong Suk-ying (third from the left on the first row), Associate Vice-President of CUHK (Photo Credit: Mr Godfrey Lau)

Participants get to know one another more through group games (Photo Credit: Mr Godfrey Lau)

Participants visit the Pavilion of Harmony of CUHK (Photo Credit: Mr Godfrey Lau)

Participants get to know the enforcement of local anti-discrimination laws at the Equal Opportunities Commission (Photo Credit: Mr Godfrey Lau)

Students take a group photo with Tsinghua’s teacher (Photo Credit: Allen Yang)

Group mates pose for a photo in the workshop (Photo Credit: Miss Judy Pan)

CUHK students visit a local child service centre (Photo Credit: Miss Lillian Lee)

Students from Guangdong and Hong Kong make good friends through ice-breaking games (Photo Credit: Mr Paco Cheung)

Students from Guangdong and Hong Kong take photos merrily near the programme end (Photo Credit: Mr Paco Cheung)

In a group photo with my Class 1414 (Photo Credit: Miss Katy Kwan)

Students do field research in a Hakka village spot in Heyuan City

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