The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2014 Volume 98
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Activities

- The 4th Green Summer Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium
- CUHK Summer Cultural Interflow Program for Mainland Students 2014
- Summer Study Program in Sports Science and Physical Education
- CU in Mainland & Taiwan: Student Interflow Programs coordinated by OALC



The 4th Green Summer Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium

The 4th Green Summer Camp, hosted by Taiwan Central University (NCU) and co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Nanjing University (NJU), was held from 14 to 18 July 2014 in Taiwan.


The five-day camp with participation of 30 students comprised a variety of activities including seminars on green topics, field trips, workshops and documentary appreciation relating to green campus, green cooking, global climatic changes, nuclear power issue and team building. Discussions were held among the students of different cultures and backgrounds to inspire ideas and exchange views on relevant topics. Participating students also joined hands to visit scenic spots of Cihu and Shihmen Reservoirs in Taiwan. The camp not only enhanced the awareness of environmental protection but also fostered relationship among the students from the 3 universities.


The Green Summer Camp was one of the student programs developed under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium which was established among CUHK, NJU and NCU in 2011. The 3 universities take turns to co-organize the camp for students to enhance understanding of environmental protection and sustainable development, promote positive values toward green issues and advocate the message to apply green concepts into daily lives and in society.




CUHK Summer Cultural Interflow Program for Mainland Students 2014

Office of Academic Links (China) organized the Summer Cultural Interflow Program for Mainland Students from 28 July to 2 August 2014. A total of 52 students from 16 Mainland universities took part in the program with 6 CUHK students as the camp group leaders.


A series of experiential learning activities were conducted in this six-day camp. Apart from acquiring knowledge of CUHK and other universities in Hong Kong via seminars and exploring tours, visits to public organizations and museums such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Equal Opportunities Commission and museums were arranged for students to have a general picture of Hong Kong's political, economic, social and cultural aspects. Participants also had the chance to share experience and interact with local students in the University.


The program provided a valuable chance for Mainland and CUHK students to interact and understand the culture from each other. The University also strengthened links with its partner universities in Mainland China.



Summer Study Program in Sports Science and Physical Education


The Department of Sports Science and Physical Education (DSSPE) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Beijing Sport University (BSU) co-organized a student interflow program from 8 to 21 June 2014 on CUHK campus. Starting in 2013, this annual exchange program provides a range of physical training programs and courses during summer for students from both universities.


This year, 20 BSU students participated in a series of trainings in physical education. They were particularly interested in tchoukball and squash as the activities are not very common in Mainland China. Participating students also visited Hong Kong Sports Institute, South China Athletic Association as well as Pui Ling School of The Precious Blood to understand the courses of physical education and the development of sports science in Hong Kong. Apart from specified courses, DSSPE also arranged seminars and exchange activities for BSU students. The program not only nurtured friendship between CUHK and BSU but also strengthened ties for expertise exchange between Hong Kong and Mainland China in physical education.



CU in Mainland & Taiwan: Student Interflow Programs coordinated by OALC


OALC organizes a wide range of student interflow and experiential learning programs every summer in collaboration with universities in Mainland China and Taiwan. In July 2014, thirty-seven students participated in the following programs coordinated by OALC. The students had the opportunities to enjoy activities including summer courses, service-learning activities, field-trips, cultural exploration tours and visits to historical sites.





Renmin University of China

Summer School Program for Hong Kong Students

01/07/2014 – 01/08/2014


Beihang University

Summer Camp on Air and Space for Beijing, Hong Kong and Macau Students 2014

03/07/2014 – 10/07/2014


Hefei Institute of Technology

The 8th Anhui Cultural Summer Camp

05/07/2014 – 12/07/2014


Shaoguan University

Shaoguan Service-Learning Camp for Pre-service Teachers: Phase 2

05/07/2014 – 16/07/2014


University of Taiwan

The 6th Global Initiatives Symposium

13/07/2014 – 19/07/2014


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Siyuan Commonweal Summer Voluntary Teaching Program

19/07/2014 – 22/08/2014



The above Mainland programs were supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Interflow Program.


For details of the past activities coordinated by our Office, as well as the photos and feedback from participating students, please visit

Students visits Cihu to understand the preservation of its ecological environment. (The 4th Green Summer Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium)

The 4th Green Summer Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium was held in Taiwan Central University

CUHK students receiving certificates (Green Camp)

Opening Ceremony of CUHK Summer Cultural Interflow Programme for Mainland Students 2014

Visits to the Hong Kong Museum of History (Summer Cultural Interflow Programme)

Summer Study Program in Sports Science and Physical Education

Student Exchange Programme with Beijing Sport University

CUHK students visit the Air and Space Museum (Summer Camp on Air and Space for Beijing, Hong Kong and Macau Students 2014 , organized by Beihang University)

Cultural Gala (The 8th Anhui Cultural Summer Camp, organized by Hefei Institute of Technology)



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