Part 1: 報告人資料 Information of Reporter
Part 2: 地點 Location
地點簡述 Location Description: *
(H) 學生宿舍: 位置性質 Student Hostel: Location Nature *
(H) 學生宿舍: 洗手間 Student Hostel: Washroom
請選座數 Please select the block:
(H) 學生宿舍: 洗手間 Student Hostel: Washroom
請選樓層 Please select the floor:
(H) 學生宿舍: 休息室 Student Hostel: Pantry
請選座數 Please select the block:
(H) 學生宿舍: 休息室 Student Hostel: Pantry
請選樓層 Please select the floor:
(H) 學生宿舍: 豆袋位置 Student Hostel: Beanbag Area
請選座數 Please select the block:
(H) 學生宿舍: 豆袋位置 Student Hostel: Beanbag Area
請選樓層 Please select the floor:
(H) 學生宿舍: 走廊 Student Hostel: Corridor
請選座數 Please select the block:
(H) 學生宿舍: 走廊 Student Hostel: Corridor
請選樓層 Please select the floor:
(L) 洗衣房 Laundry
Please Note: This form is for general damages/repairs. For payment system error, please submit your entry at Report for Laundry Payment System Error.
(L) 洗衣房 Laundry
如屬設備維修,請選取相關機器;其他損毀(例如光管、門鎖等問題)請於 "損壞事項及詳情" 一欄詳述
Please select the machine involved if it is an equipment malfunction. For other damages (e.g. light tube, door lock etc.), please describe in "Damage Details":
如日坊 House of Sunny Living
(O) 辦公室 Offices
Part 3: 損壞/維修資料 Information of Damage/Repair
(如適用 Optional) 不偏好之維修時間 Less Preferred Time for Repairs:
(如損壞地方為宿舍房間內, 同學可指示不偏好之維修時間, 書院會盡量與維修人員避免安排。書院工友將於工程期間陪同維修人員。 If the damage is inside a hostel room, you may indicate the less preferred time for repairs. The College and the repair team will try to avoid. College workman will accompany the repair team during the work period.)
Part 4: 跟進紀錄 (只供工作人員用) Follow-up Record (for office use ONLY)
維修性質 (只供工作人員用 for office use ONLY)
The personal data collected will be used by Wu Yee Sun College (WYS) and authorised personnel for processing the captioned purposes in accordance with relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.