[課程將由2019年9月改期至2020年6月舉行,詳情將稍後公佈。] [This programme is rescheduled from September 2019 to June 2020. Details will be available soon.] 報名事項: 1.為保障課程素質,香港中文大學商學院將會審核所有報名資訊,符合課程要求者才獲接納參與課程。所有報名人士稍後均會收到電郵通知申結果及課程付費方法(合資格者),如閣下在課程舉行前兩星期仍未收到回復,敬請聯絡課程負責人查詢。 2. 請準備個人履歷以在本報名表中上載。 3. 香港中文大學商學院保留修改課程的權利而無須作出通知。 4. 所有報名資料均會根據香港中文大學對保障個人資料(私隱)的政策處理,收集的資料只用作是次課程報名及日後推廣。 查詢 香港中文大學商學院 亞太工商研究所:陳小姐 (+852-3943-4387; carmenc@cuhk.edu.hk) | 酒店及旅遊管理學院:王碩博士 (+852-3943 8595; wangshuo@cuhk.edu.hk) ************************************ Points to Note: 1. To ensure the quality of the programme, CUHK Business School will only accept applicants who are qualified based on the application materials. All applicants will receive notifications on the application result and payment method (if applicable). If no reply is received two weeks before the programme, please contact the programme coordinator. 2. Please prepare a detailed personal CV to be uploaded onto this application form. 3. CUHK Business School reserves the final right of changing any parts of the programme without prior notice. 4. All information collected will be kept confidential, and treated strictly in accordance with the University’s Policy on protection of personal data. Personal data will be used for the purpose of program development, market research and direct mailing only. Enquiries Ms. Carmen Chan (The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business) Tel: +852 3943-4387; Email: carmenc@cuhk.edu.hk Dr. Shuo Wang (School of Hotel and Tourism Management) Tel: +852 3943-8595; Email: wangshuo@cuhk.edu.hk
用作印製證書 | For certificate printing