Parent Consent Form 2017

香港中文大學社會學系The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Sociology

社會學的想像力大師班 Mastering Sociological Imagination 3-DaySummer Course

日期:2017年7月10至12 日(週一至週三)
Date: 10 -12 July 2017

時間: 上午10時到下午3時30分
Tentative time: 10am- 3:30pm

內容 Content :
• 社會學是什麼?課程將以有趣的社會現象介紹關鍵社會學概念。
What is Sociology? We will introduce Sociological keywords through interesting social phenomena.

• 中大社學系教授及講師將會傳授社會學知識。
Professors and lecturers will teach sociological knowledge in lectures.

• 參加者亦會透過分組工作坊學習,是體驗中大校園生活及課堂的難得機會。
Participants will then discuss and digest in tutorials. It is a good chance to taste the university learning in CUHK.

• 參加者需於課程完成後一個月內單獨完成社會學多媒體製作,並參與比賽。比賽結果將於八月底頒獎禮公佈。
Participants are expected to join a contest by creating a multimedia product with a sociological concept within one month after the completion of the course. The result will be announced in the prizing ceremony on the late August.

• 出席率達標及短片參賽者將獲頒證書,經學校核實後可成為JUPAS「學生學習概覽」中「其他學習經歷」項目。「其他學習經歷」可成為年JUPAS面試重要考慮因素之一。
After fulfilling the attendance requirement and joining the multimedia contest, student's experience can be recognized by their school as items under Other Learning Experience of Student Learning Profile. Other Learning Experience may be taken into consideration in the JUPAS Interview.

Targets: F4-6 students in 2017/18. A teacher recommendation is required.

Venue: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

費用:全免 (參加者須自備午膳費用)
Fee: Free (Lunch is not included)

Deadline of Application: 20 June 2017

Application method: Please complete the electronic student enrollment form and parent consent form.

學生報名表格 Student enrollment form: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=3449418

Announcement of the result: Your application will be verified. We will notify you by email if the application is successful.

查詢:吳小姐 (3943 1486 / sociology@cuhk.edu.hk)
Enquiry: Please contact Ms. Queena Ng at (3943 1486 / sociology@cuhk.edu.hk)