注意事項 Points to note ➤申請人填寫完此表格後,透過電郵收到一份通知書。 Applicants will receive a slip via Email soon after completing this application form. ➤申請如獲書院批准,會另外透過電郵通知,團體須在展示日期前到學生輔導處繳交以下項目: If the application is approved, an Email will be sent to the Email address listed on the form. The applicant must submit the following items to the Dean of Students’ Office before the date of display to finish the application process. 1. 已有所需蓋印的申請表 An application form with the required chop(s) 2. 港幣五百元按金 A deposit of HK $500 ➤有關擺放橫額、海報、桌上宣傳品,請向聯合書院學生會查詢,電郵為 ucsu@cuhk.edu.hk。 For displaying the banners, posters and table stands, please contact the United College Student Union at ucsu@cuhk.edu.hk .