學生生活約章 Student Life Charter
校訓 – 明德新民
College Motto – Ming De Xin Min
The College motto “Ming De Xin Min” means “To develop one’s virtues, renew one’s life and lead one towards excellence”. It is a translated version of a passage taken from the classic The Great Learning.
Charter Contents
I pledge
• 秉承校訓的精神,堅守正確的價值觀及提升個人品德和情操;
To adhere to the College motto and uphold the highest moral values, strive to improve my moral character and sentiments;
• 投入校園生活,培養對聯合書院的歸屬感;
To get involved in campus life and develop a sense of belonging to the College;
• 以主動及開放的態度,參與由書院籌辦的非形式教育和多元共融活動,以擴闢視野和作全人發展;
To adopt a proactive and open-minded attitude towards participating in non-formal education, diversity and inclusion activities provided by the College, so as to broaden my horizon and achieve all-round development;
• 認識自我,奉公守法,平衡身心健康,提升抗逆力,學習如何關心和尊重不同族裔及背景的人仕,培育群體合作精神;
To develop my self-understanding, balance the mental and physical well-being, enhance resilience, learn how to care for and respect people of different ethnicities and background, and promote team spirit;
• 關心社會、服務他人,肩負社會責任,積極參與服務學習活動,尋找機會回饋社會;及
To care for the society and serve others, shoulder social responsibilities actively participate in service-learning activities and seek opportunities to help people in need; and
• 愛護環境、節約能源及減少耗用天然資源並實踐聯合國可持續發展目標。
To protect the environment, save energy and cut down the exploitation of natural resources and put Sustainable Development Goals into practice.
I am committed to the pursuit of the following personal goals during my university life at United College:
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