日期: 2025年5月7日 (星期三) 時間: 下午2:30 – 4:00 地點: 逸夫書院禤永明樓地下 費用: 逸夫同學HK$60; 中大教職員、逸夫校友、非逸夫同學$200 語言: 廣東話或英文 **截止日期: 2025年4月14日 (星期一) 活動內容簡介 : 這個工作坊將介紹在自然環境中生長而常被忽略的本地野生草本植物。參加者將學習辨識和素描草本植物,同時了解它們在傳統醫藥、料理和手工藝的用途。 參加者需知 : 參加者無需任何經驗。需要自備鉛筆及擦膠。 注意事項 : 此工作坊被納入為「多元通識活動」,完成此活動將等同出席一次2024/25年度下學期書院聚會。 缺席同學必須以電郵通知及提供病假證明,否則須繳付全費($200)。 查詢: 郭小姐 (3943-7361 / krizkwok@cuhk.edu.hk) #謙卑的小草 #初心者OK #火柴人都OK Date: 7 May 2025 (Wednesday) Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Venue: G/F, Huen Wing Ming Building, Shaw College Fee: Shaw student $60; CUHK staff member, shaw alumni and non-shaw student $200 Language: Cantonese / English **Deadline: 14 April 2025 (Monday) About the activity : This hands-on workshop introduces participants to the often-overlooked humble and wild herbaceous plants growing in nature. Participants will learn to identify and sketch local herbaceous plants while discovering their historical usage in medicine, on dishes, and craftworks. Notes to participant : No prior experience is required. Please bring pencil and eraser. Remarks : • This workshop is included as a "Diversified General Education Activity". Completing this activity will be equivalent to attending one College Assembly in Term 2, 2024/25. • Students who absent without email notification and medical proof will be requested to pay the full cost for the trip ($200).
如銀行轉賬戶口非參加者本人, 請列明轉賬人戶口姓名, 以供核對交易紀錄 If payment via bank transfer from third party bank account, please provide the bank account holder name for checking the payment transcation.