ORKTS Entrepreneurship Support Fair 2025——Happy Lunch Hour Talk 點亮你的創業夢:超越商業 創新暖流——午間創業分享會 Illuminate Your Entrepreneurial Dreams: Beyond Business, make positive impact through innovation ***Free of charge, participants will receive a light sandwich and a drink! Seats are limited and while supplies last, please register as soon as possible! *** ***費用全免,參加者可獲輕食三文治及飲料一份!名額有限,送完即止,請從速報名!*** 1. 藍色海洋經濟 Blue Economy 日期:2024年4月8日 時間:12:45 pm - 13:45 pm 地點:香港中文大學大學書店@Y.I.A. 語言:粵語 Speakers: - Ms. Tina Vu, Director of STREAM Education 海納百川 - Mr. Raymond Chu, Associate Director (University Collaborations) of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation 香港科學園 2. 創意文化產業(音樂) Creative Industry(Musicpreneur) 日期:2024年4月9日 時間:12:45 am - 13:45 pm 地點:香港中文大學大學書店@Y.I.A. 語言:粵語 Speakers: Ms Irene Au, CEO of KALOS, Advisor to the working group for CUHK 60th Anniversary: 'Yo-Yo Ma X HK Phil' special event 查詢:innoport@cuhk.edu.hk