[可持續發展目標論壇系列 SDG Forum Series 2024/25] 第四講 Session 4 探索可持續發展目標11與香港的城市面貌 Walking Through Sustainability: Exploring SDG 11 and Hong Kong’s Urban Landscape

第四講 Session 4

講者:黃宇軒博士(香港中文大學)、樊樂怡小姐 (創不同協作)

Speakers: Dr Sampson Wong, Ms Helen Fan


Moderator: Dr Li Ming Kenneth

日期 Date:1 April 2025 (Tue)

時間 Time:7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (GMT+8, HKT)

地點 Venue:香港中文大學 李兆基一樓LT 7演講廳
LT7, 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

講座將以粵語進行 Forum to be conducted in Cantonese

演講廳座位有限,先到先得。 Limited seats in the lecture theatre. First come first served.

歡迎親身到場參與、亦設網上轉播。On-site participation or via ZOOM.

講者簡介 About the Speakers

黃宇軒博士是香港中文大學城市研究課程及地理與資源管理學系講講師,「散步學」計劃創辦人,在2022至2023年期間,他出版了兩本暢銷書,分別是《香港散步學》和《城市散步學》。 他的研究與創作興趣包括:城市漫步、當代城市主義、藝術與公共領域、創意與社會、社會參與藝術、香港研究。

Dr. Sampson Wong is a Lecturer at the Urban Studies Programme and Department of Geography & Resource Management, CUHK, founder of the "Strollology" project. In 2022-2023, he published two best-selling books, Hong Kong Strollology and Urban Strollology. His research and creative interests include: urban walking, contemporary urbanism, art and the public sphere, creativity and society, socially engaged art and Hong Kong Studies.


Ms Helen Fan Lok Yi is a curator and artist based in Hong Kong, she works to reveal the connections between urban space, history, and the environment through research and collaborative artistic processes. Currently the Senior Curator at the Make A Difference Institute, she curates educational and co-creation projects for the public, seeking to build a community that embraces knowledge, creativity, and social awareness. As an independent arts practitioner, she has researched the thoughts of the time and the social conditions that shaped twentieth-century and contemporary play spaces. Her book, ‘The Abstract Playscapes of Hong Kong’, was published in 2021 and updated with an expanded edition in 2023. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Studies from the University of Hong Kong and an MA Fine Art from the University of the Arts London.

主持簡介 About the Moderator


Dr. Kenneth Li is a Lecturer in the Office of University General Education. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Li has been teaching GE at CUHK which includes GE Foundation, University GE, and College GE courses. In recent years, he has endeavored to promote education for sustainable development in GE, and has produced the animated story series “SDG Law Firm” to disseminate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Li has received several awards, including Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education, Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award (General Education), University Education Award (Teams), and Positive Workplace Service Award (Individual Award).

查詢 Enquiry:sdg-ouge@cuhk.edu.hk

香港中文大學大學通識教育部 及 聯合國可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分會合辦

Co-organized by Office of University General Education, CUHK and SDSN Hong Kong