和聲校友會會員限定葡萄酒之旅 LWSAA Members-Only Wine Tasting Tour

聯合書院校友會及和聲書院校友會將於3月25日合辦「葡萄酒之旅」活動,參加的和聲校友將品嚐由「MyiCellar」創辦人吳光誼校友 (2005 / 聯合 / 訊息工程學) 所挑選的紅白餐酒。活動詳情如下:

時間:晚上7:00 - 9:00
地點:MyiCellar - 灣仔合和商場3樓335號鋪

- 和聲校友會會員:免費
- 和聲校友(非會員):可於本表格報名並繳付校友會永久會費 (優惠價港幣$200),即可免費參加是次活動,並獲得一張校友證以享用書院優惠

以轉賬付款:請將金額存入「香港中文大學和聲書院校友會」戶口 [號碼:(024) 293-005005-018]


2025年3月19日 (二) 或 額滿即止

* 和聲書院院務室將於截止日期前後,透過電郵通知成功報名的校友
** 非校友會會員,必須繳妥校友會會費、上傳證件照並獲確認成為會員,其活動申請才會被接納


The United College Alumni Association and LWSAA are co-organizing a “Wine-Tasting Tour” event on 25 March. Participating LWSAA members and WS alumni will taste red and white wines selected by Mr. Tomy NG (2005 / United College / Information Engineering), co-founder of “MyiCellar”. The event details are as follows:

Date: 25 March 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Venue: MyiCellar (Shop 335, 3/F, Hopewell Mall, Wan Chai)
Content: Guided tasting of wines from France, Germany, Italy, Australia, and New Zealand, with light snacks provided

LWSAA member – FREE
WS alumnus – Join as a member at a discounted rate of HKD$200 to participate for free. Successful applicant will get a WS Alumni Card to enjoy exclusive offers from Lee Woo Sing College

Membership Fee Payment
By bank transfer: Please bank in the membership fee to the Hang Seng Bank account of The Chinese University of Hong Kong: (024) 293-005005-018.
After finishing the payment, please upload the payment record onto this webform (online payment: screen capture of transaction record; ATM: photo of the reciept)


Deadline of Registration
19 March 2025 (Tuesday) OR fully-registered

* Successfully registered alumni will receive an email notification from the College Office around the event's registration deadline.
** Non-members are required to pay the membership fee, upload a photo ID and be confirmed as members before their registration is accepted


*** Tasting Wine List: ***
French - Chateau Loudenne Les Jardins Red 2022
Germen - Peter Meyer Mosel Riesling 2023
Italian - Ania Asti Moscato Spumante DOCG N.V.
French - Champagne Waris et Filles Blanc de Noirs Brut N.V.
New Zealand - Misty Cove Tamahine Limited Release 2022
Australian - Angel Wings Star Crossing Shiraz 2024