CEO校友駕到 | 與王維基對談 生有限、活無限


時間:14:30 – 16:00 (14:00開始登記;分享會後敬備簡單茶點供參加者享用)

地點:香港中文大學商學院鄭裕彤樓LT1 (香港沙田澤祥街12號; 大學站B出口 | 地圖)



- 中大商學院校友: 每位校友可攜同一位商界朋友出席
- 中大商學院學生

截止報名日期: 2025年3月24日(星期一)17:00

查詢: 請WhatsApp至 (852) 9388 9626 或電郵至 查詢活動詳情

  • Identity 身份
    Identity 身份
  • * Required fields 必填欄目

    Personal Information 個人資料

  • Full Name in English 英文全名 Full Name in English 英文全名

    First name 即名字 (e.g. Tai Man)
    Last name 即姓氏 (e.g. CHAN)

  • Must be 10 digits.   Currently Entered: 0 digits.
  • Career Info 職業資料

  • Accompanying Guest Info 賓客資料

  • Accompanying Guest 攜同賓客
    Accompanying Guest 攜同賓客
  • Guest's Full Name in English 賓客英文全名 Guest's Full Name in English 賓客英文全名

    First name 即名字 (e.g. Tai Man)
    Last name 即姓氏 (e.g. CHAN)

  • Terms & Conditions 條款及細則

    1. “CEO in the House | Dialogue with Ricky Wong – Beyond Limits” (hereafter referred to as "the event") is organised by the International Relations Office and Alumni Affairs and Development Office of CUHK Business School (the organisers). The event is open to CUHK Business School alumni and their guests from the business sector. Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.「CEO校友駕到 | 與王維基對談 生有限、活無限分享會」(下稱「活動」),由中大商學院國際交流辦公室及校友事務與發展辦公室 (「主辦單位」)舉辦,歡迎中大商學院校友及其商界朋友參與,名額有限,先到先得。

    2. An email will be sent to successful registrants confirming their attendance within three working days. Walk-in participation on the event day without prior registration and confirmation will not be accommodated. 成功報名之校友會於三個工作天內收到確認電郵,本活動恕不招待未於事先報名及獲得確認之人士。

    3. Seats are non-transferable. 所有活動名額亦不可轉讓予其他人士。

    4. Photos and videos taken at the event are owned by the organiser, and they will be used for promotional purposes. By joining the event, participants agree to the usage of such photos and videos by the organisers and its authorised parties for promotional purposes unconditionally. 活動中所拍攝的照片及影片均屬主辦單位擁有,作宣傳推廣用途。 參加本活動即表示參加者同意主辦單位及其授權機構及人員無條件使用照片及影片。

    5. The organisers reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event and/ or change the event terms and arrangements at its sole discretion without prior notification, and they will not be responsible for any loss caused by the postponement, cancellation and/ or change. 主辦單位有權自行決定延遲、取消及/或更改活動安排及細則,而毋須作事先通知,並不會對因此造成的任何損失負責。

    6. Participation in this event is at alumni’s own discretion. The organisers will not be responsible for any personal and economic loss for the participation in this event. 活動屬參加者自願參與,主辦單位將不會就參加者參與本活動直接或間接引起的任何損失承擔責任。

  • Privacy Notice 私隱聲明
    Privacy Notice 私隱聲明
  • The personal data collected will be used by Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) and authorised personnel for processing the captioned purposes in accordance with relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.