Personal Particulars
Academic Qualifications
Please provide the most recently related academic qualification.
Working Experience
Please provide current job/the most recently related working experience.
Collaborative Project Workshop
Please select one group for the workshop.
繳費辦法 Payment Method:
Application fee $200; Fee for full course $5,500.
Please submit the application form. The payment method will be notified to the successful applicants shortly.
課程諮詢處 Course Enquiry:
Ms Wong, Department of Microbiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
電話 Telephone:(852) 3505 3333 電郵 Email:microbiology@cuhk.edu.hk
個人資料收集聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement
1. 此報名表格所提供的個人資料將供本部門職員處理報名及學生事務之用。如入學申請不被接納, 本部門將銷毀一切有關的個人資料。
The personal data provided in this form will be used by the Department for purposes related to the processing of enrolment and student administration. Personal data of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed.
2. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例, 申請人有權查閲及更改其個人資料。申請人如需更改其個人資料, 請聯絡本課程諮詢處。
Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and to request the correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to amend their data should contact the Course Enquiry.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
The personal data collected will be used by Department of Microbiology (MICB) and authorised personnel for processing the captioned purposes in accordance with relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.