蘭苑餐飲服務意見調查 2024
Survey on the Catering Service of Orchid Lodge 2024

蘭苑管理專責小組現正就蘭苑餐飲服務進行意見調查,墾請各位能抽出數分鐘時間,於 10 月 4 日(星期五)至 10 月 24 日(星期四)期間填寫以下服務問卷,給予我們一些寶貴意見。感謝大家支持!

The Orchid Lodge Management Task Group is conducting a survey on the catering service provided at Orchid Lodge. We would like to invite you to fill out a short online survey between October 4th (Friday) and October 24th (Thursday) to help us understand your dining experiences at Orchid Lodge. Your opinion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!