* Required fields 必填欄目
Personal Information 個人資料
Given name, then Surname, as shown on your ID card or passport. (e.g. Tai Man CHAN)
先名字, 後姓氏, 如身份証或護照所示 (例如 Tai Man CHAN)
Must be 10 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Mobile No. for WhatsApp 使用WhatsApp的手機號碼
Must be 3 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Career Info 職業資料
Please input full url instead of your name or email.
Please select the most relevant one. Unemployment please select 'Unemployed 待業'. 請選擇最接近的一項,待業可選擇'Unemployed 待業'。
Please select the most relevant one. Unemployment please select 'Unemployed 待業'. 請選擇最接近的一項,待業可選擇'Unemployed 待業'。
Privacy Notice & Group Rules 私隱聲明及群組守則 *
Join the instant messaging group by CUHK Business School alumni network in my locality (e.g., alumni association) (if any) 加入現居地的中大商學院校友組織(如校友會)之通訊群組(如有) *
The personal data collected will be used by Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) and authorised personnel for processing the captioned purposes in accordance with relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.