社會企業起動計劃 (2024-25)- 種子基金申請表 Social Enterprise Startup Scheme (2024-25) - Seed Fund Application Form

「社會企業起動計劃」自 2015-16 推出,一直支持中大學生及年輕校友開辦全新或拓展正在營運的社會企業,實現社會目標。本計劃現正接受團隊報名,參賽團隊會由經驗豐富的導師帶領,擬定營運計劃書並競逐「中大社企基金」(每隊最高可獲HK$100,000)。詳情如下:


1. 每隊的人數規定為 2 至 10,隊伍中所有成員均為中大在學學生或畢業三年內的校友
2. 參加者只可擔任一隊的隊長,而隊長必須為中大在學學生,並為該隊核心成員
3. 隊長及所有成員應出席最少一半的培訓活動
4. 項目從未獲取「中大社企基金」


1. 請填寫及遞交此報名表
2. 截止日期爲 2025 年 1 月 10 日中午 12 時


2024 年 10 至 11 月:第一階段培訓活動
2025 年 2 月:面試
2025 年 2 至 5 月:導師計劃及第二階段培訓活動
2025 年 6 月上旬:遞交營運計劃書以競逐 「中大社企基金」 *
2025 年 6 月下旬:項目報告日

* 評分準則共六項,包括創新性、可持續發展性、執行能力、社會效益、持份者參與,以及創業能力。

如有查詢,請以 3943 3714(電話)或 Candice.chung@cuhk.edu.hk(電郵)聯絡本中心鍾小姐。

Launched in 2015-16, the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme has been encouraging CUHK students and recent graduates to establish or expand their social enterprises to achieve the social objectives. This scheme is now open for enrolment of teams. Participating teams will receive guidance of experienced mentors on formulating business plan to compete for the CUSE Fund (a maximum of HK$100,000 for each team). Details are as follows:


1. Each team must consist of 2 to 10 participants, all the members must be current CUHK students or alumni who graduated within the last three years.
2. Participants may serve as the Project Leader (PL) for one team only, and the PL should be a current CUHK student taking up a core role in the team.
3. PL and all of the members should attend at least 50% of the training activities.
4. The project has never received CUSE Fund.


1. Please register by submitting this application form.
2. The deadline lies at 12:00 noon of 10 January 2025.

* The criteria for CUSE Fund include innovation, sustainability, execution, social impact, stakeholders’ engagement, and entrepreneurship.

October - November 2024: Training Activities at Stage 1
February 2025: Screening Interview
February - April 2025: Mentorship Programme and Training Activities at Stage 2
Early-June 2025: Submission of Business Plan for Competing for CUSE Fund 2024-25
Late-June 2025: Presentation Day

If there is any enquiry, please contact Ms. Candice Chung at 3943 3714 (Tel) or candice.chung@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).