舞台搭建工作坊 Stage Assembly/Disassembly Workshop

日期 Date: 20/09/2024
時間 Time: 4:30pm - 6:00 pm
地點 Venue: 湯石 Open Area in front of Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building

注意事項 Points to note
• 學生團體每學年必須至少參加一次工作坊,才能在未來學年借用舞台進行活動。A student society is required to attend the workshop at least once in an academic year in order to borrow and use the stage for their future activities in that academic year.
• 必須至少有一名曾出席工作坊的成員負責借用和歸還舞台。At least one member of the applicant student society who has attended the workshop must come to borrow and return the stage.
• 申請人在填寫借用表格時,應註明是否符合使用資格。書院將根據工作坊參與記錄檢查使用資格。若發現任何學生團體未出席工作坊,則不得借用舞台。When filling out the borrowing form, the applicant should indicate whether they have fulfilled the above requirements. Our colleague will check their indication against our workshop participation record. If any student society is found not having attended the workshop, they will not be able to borrow the stage.