逸夫書院合唱團 - 團員招募 Shaw College Choir - Member Recruitment (08/2024)

書院現誠邀對唱歌有興趣和熱誠的同學,不論經驗,加入我們; 亦歡迎教職員或校友!我們稍後將通知你有關試音的詳情!
Shaw College is committed to providing students with opportunities for holistic development. In an attempt to enhance the artistic ambience of the college and offer a platform for musical exchange, the Shaw Choir is expected to be established soon.
The College cordially invites interested and passionate Shaw College members who enjoy singing, regardless of their experience, to join us! We will announce the audition details shortly.

[Applicants who have submitted their information in the previous round do not need to resubmit it.]

報名截止日期︰2024年9月15日(星期日), 23:59
Application deadline: 15 September 2024 (Sun), 23:59

查詢 Enquiry︰jessieli@cuhk.edu.hk/ 3943 1684