《中國語文通訊》(ISSN 1726-9245) 於1989年創刊,由香港中文大學中國文化研究所吳多泰中國語文研究中心出版,旨在提供一個研究中國語言學的平台。本刊主要刊載有關漢語語言學有理論意義的基礎研究,通過語言學理論研究漢語共時或歷時語言現象和語言問題的專題研究成果,包括語言結構的組合(如音系學、詞法學、句法學等)和語言的意義和使用(如語義學、語用學等),也歡迎跨學科、跨語言、跨方言對比研究的成果。
CURRENT RESEARCH IN CHINESE LINGUISTICS (ISSN 1726-9245) (formerly known as Newsletter of Chinese Language) was first published in 1989 by T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre of the Institute of Chinese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is an open platform for the study of Chinese linguistics. The journal primarily focuses on basic research in Chinese linguistics with significant theoretical implications, and examines synchronic or diachronic Chinese language phenomena and issues on the basis of linguistic theories and from the perspectives of the structure of language, for example, phonology, morphology, syntax, etc., and the meaning and use of language, for example, semantics, pragmatics, etc. Comparative works across languages/dialects or under an interdisciplinary approach are also welcomed.
Submissions that align with the aforementioned research areas in linguistics are welcomed.
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