I am applying for (The first preference): 我申請參加 (第一志願): *
I am applying for (The second preference): 我申請參加 (第二志願):
Gender 性別 *
College 書院 *
Faculty 學院 *
Year of Study 年級
(Remark: Final year students are not eligible 只接受非畢業班同學申請) *
Status 狀況 *
Must be 8 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Learning/Training experience in the field of mental health or counselling 曾參加精神健康、輔導等相關課程或訓練 *
Personal Information Collection Statement 收集個人資料聲明 (只提供英文版本)
The personal data provided to Wellness and Counselling Centre (WACC) will be used by WACC for the purposes of handling of your enrolment in our programme(s)/workshop(s) and providing services. The provision of personal data is voluntary. However, if you do not provide sufficient information, there may be case that WACC cannot provide the needed service(s) to you. The information given may be held by/ transferred to other parties involved in organising the programme(s)/workshop(s) for the purposes mentioned above. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by WACC. Enquiries concerning the personal data provided, including data access and data correction requests, should be addressed to Manager, Wellness and Counselling Centre, Office of Student Affairs, 2/F, Pommerenke Student Centre. *
The personal data collected will be used by Peer Support Network and authorised personnel for processing the captioned purposes in accordance with relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.