Personal Information Collection Statement
1. 香港中文大學心理健康及輔導中心(下稱「中心」)於服務登記、服務提供、以及進行其他相關活動期間所收集的個人資料將會用於以下目的︰
The personal data provided to the Wellness and Counselling Centre (WACC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong during service registration, service delivery, and other related activities will be used by WACC for the following purposes:
a. 就「多元文化心理支援服務」進行服務登記,當中包括但不限於與CUSIS系統內資料的核實程序;
Processing service registration for the Multicultural Psychological Support Service (MPSS), including but not limited to a verification procedure with the data kept by CUSIS;
b. 提供服務,包括但不限於輔導服務、工作坊及活動、服務轉介、預約安排及通知;
Providing services including but not limited to counselling service, programmes and workshops, referral, appointment arrangement and notification;
c. 收集意見;
Collecting feedback;
d. 服務使用者資料庫之系統維護及提升;
System maintenance and improvement of our service user database(s);
e. 以匿名方式編撰統計資料及報告以作服務評估、策劃及其他行政用途。
Generation of statistics and preparation of reports for service evaluation, planning, and other administrative purposes in an anonymous manner.
The provision of personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, there may be case that WACC or the service provider of MPSS cannot provide needed service(s) to you.
2. 為提供輔導服務和相關活動,本中心將把所收集資料發送予「多元文化心理支援服務」的服務提供者。資料包括:
For the purpose of providing counselling service and related activities, WACC will release information collected to the service provider of MPSS. The information include:
a. 學生報名表上的資料、相關問卷結果及與「多元文化心理支援服務」有關的資料
Information on the Student Enrolment Form, relevant questionnaire results and any information related to MPSS
b. 轉介表格上的資料及本中心進行初步評估時討論的資料(如適用)
Information on the Referral Form from CUHK units, and information discussed in the Triage session in WACC (if applicable)
3. 除註2所提的資料外,本中心在未經你的同意,並不會向第三方透露你的個人資料,唯以下情況除外:
Apart from the release of information described in note 2, WACC will not disclose your personal data to third parties without your consent, except under the following circumstances:
a. 若我們相信你或其他人士有受到嚴重傷害的風險,我們或需透露關於你的資料,以保護可能受到傷害的人士。
If we believe that you or others may be at serious risk of harm, we may need to disclose information about you to protect whoever is at risk.
b. 若我們按法例規定的要求須透露你的個人資料。
If we are required by law to disclose your personal information.
c. 若你是由中文大學部門轉介接受輔導服務,我們會回覆轉介者你是否有出席初次的評估面談,以及會否接受進一步的輔導服務。
If you are referred for counselling service by CUHK units, we will reply to the referrer whether you have attended the initial assessment session(s) and whether you accept further counselling.
4. 你有權查閱及更改所提供的個人資料。
You have the right to access and make correction to the personal data provided.
5. 如欲查詢已提供的個人資料,包括要求查閱資料及更改資料,請向下述人士提出︰
Enquiries concerning the personal data provided, including data access and data correction requests should be addressed to:
學生事務處 心理健康及輔導中心 經理
Wellness and Counselling Centre
Office of Student Affairs
3/F, Pommerenke Student Centre
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(電郵地址 E-mail: wacc@cuhk.edu.hk)