Terms and Conditions 服務條款
Group Visit 團體參觀
1. Any visiting groups with 10 members or more, with guided tours or not, are required to make an online application in advance. The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (hereafter 'the Museum') reserves the right to reject the admission of any groups without scheduled appointment.
2. Application(s) should be made at least 1 month and up to 12 months prior to the intended date of the visit. All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. In general, 5 working days are needed for the process of an application. Upon approval, a confirmation letter for the visit will be sent from the Museum to the applicant via email (mocctour@cuhk.edu.hk). If any applicants do not hear from the Museum within 10 days after submitting the application, please contact the Museum.
處理申請一般需時 5 個工作天,本館會以電郵(mocctour@cuhk.edu.hk)發出書面確認予申請者。如申請者遞交申請後 10 天內仍未獲回覆,請即致電聯絡本館。
Guided Tour 導賞服務
4. A guided tour service is available during the Museum's opening hours.
5. Guided tour applications should be made at least 1 month in advance of the intended date of the visit. All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
6. Guided tour service is free of charge and for non-profit-making purpose only. The eligible groups include units/departments of CUHK, registered schools, non-profit-making organizations and charitable organizations.
7. Guided tour service may be cancelled if the group arriving 15 minutes late. For any changes, please contact the Museum as soon as possible.
如團體未能於預約時間後 15 分鐘內到達本館,本館有權取消導賞。如有任何更改,請立即致電聯絡本館職員。
8. Guided tour service would be confirmed 2 weeks prior to the date of visit.
Guidelines 申請須知
9. Group leaders are responsible for monitoring the behaviour of group members in the Museum at all times. Visitors are requested to observe the following rules:
(a) To avoid possible damage to the exhibits and the display cases, please do not lean on the walls or display cases, or use them as writing surfaces. Do not run while inside the Museum premises.
(b) Please do not use any writing tools to point at the exhibits when writing or drawing during your museum visit.
(c) Video recording is prohibited.
(d) Eating and drinking is prohibited.
(e) To avoid disturbing other visitors, please keep your voices down.
(a) 為免破壞展品及展示櫃,請勿奔跑、靠倚牆壁或展示櫃,或在其表面書寫。
(b) 如需於參觀期間書寫或繪畫,請勿以書寫工具指向展品。
(c) 請勿於館內拍攝錄像。
(d) 請勿於館內飲食。
(e) 請保持安靜,以免騷擾其他參觀者。
10. Museum staff reserve the right to stop breaches of these rules, and to order the visitors concerned to leave the Museum immediately.
11. The Museum reserves the right to change the time, contents and arrangements of its group tours.