香港中文大學新亞書院學長計劃 2023/24 學員申請表格

NAC Mentorship Programme 2023/24 Mentee Application

The time required to fill in this form is around 15 minutes.



1. 書院將於以電郵形式通知報名結果,並須於收到電郵三天內回覆確認,否則視放棄論。請時常查閱電郵,亦建議檢查「垃圾郵件匣」。成功申請之學員必須參與10月12日(以廣東話進行) 或 10月13日(以英語進行) 其中一場學員簡報會,否則同樣視作放棄論。

2. 學員將會於成立典禮前獲知初步配對結果(學長之背景,但不包括姓名和畢業年份),學員可於電郵發出兩天內回覆上訴,書院會盡力處理,唯書院擁有最終決定權。


張君恒先生 (新亞書院 高級書院發展主任)
電話: 3943-9680 傳真:2603-5418 電郵:

Please read the "Introduction to NAC Mentorship Programme" and "Guide to NAC Mentorship Programme" before filling in the form.

1. The application results will be sent to you by email. Please check you inbox regularly and also look for the email in your email "junk box". You MUST reply to the email to confirm your participation to the programme in 3 days upon the receipt of the confirmation email. Successful applicants MUST attend one of the briefing sessions which would be held on 12 Oct 2023 (in Cantonese) or 13 Oct 2023 (in English).

2. The preliminary matching results will be announced to the mentees before the Inauguration Ceremony (A brief background of your mentor will be sent to individual mentees). You may make appeal to the matching result. The College will do our best to help you. But the College reserves the rights of final decision.

This application form consists of 4 parts. The first part would be sent to your groupmates (mentors and mentees of your "big group"); and the Executive Committee of New Asia College Mentorship Programme. The later 3 parts would only for College internal use.

Kelvin Cheung (Mr.)
Senior College Development Officer
Tel.: 3943-9680 Fax: 2603-5418 email: