Positive Leadership and Youth Scheme (PLaYS) 2023-2024 - Application for PLaYS Funding

PLaYS provides funding support for innovative social service projects targeting underprivileged children/youth (aged under 16). The grant is tenable for either an individual or a group with a total maximum subsidy up to HKD10,000.

All individuals or teams are required to fill in the application form with detailed activity proposal and budget plan

Fund Consideration
The proposals are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. conformable to the laws in Hong Kong;
2. Meaningful and impactful engagement to the campus / communities (aiming at building up a caring campus / communities);
3. Meaningful learnings (for members of the project) including applications of existing skills, knowledge and strengths and/or acquiring of new skills and knowledge;
4. Innovativeness in ideas/ solutions to achieve intended outcomes;
5. Cost-effectiveness

Examples of the social projects
1. Social service / social innovation projects;
2. Competitions on caring campus/communities;
3. Volunteer teaching or online classes;
4. Microfilm making for public awareness of caring communities
5. Training programmes that focus on service, leadership, and generic skills development for youth/ children under age 16

Application form:

Note to applicants:

Ms. Cathy Law (Tel/ WhatsApp: 3943-4295 / Email: cathylaw@cuhk.edu.hk)