新亞師生校友優惠 如您是新亞學生/新亞校友/新亞教職員,可於建立帳戶後填交以下資料申請帳戶升級為VIP。VIP可享有全單9折優惠(不包括運費)。請使用學生電郵地址/校友聯絡電郵地址(即您平時接收中大通訊的電郵地址)/中大電郵地址(即XXX@cuhk.edu.hk)建立帳戶。您的身分將會於申請後5個工作天自動驗證並升級。 使用其他電郵地址建立帳戶一概不會獲帳戶升級。按此建立帳戶 New Asians benefits New Asia Student / Alumni / Staff may get a 10% discount for ALL orders by checking out with a VIP account. To get a VIP account, you must use your student (CUSIS) / alumni contact email address (the email you usually receive news from CUHK) / CUHK email address (i.e. xxx@cuhk.edu.hk) to create your account. Please fill in and submit the followings to upgrade for VIP account after you have created your account. We will verify your identity in 5 working days and your account will be automatically upgraded. Please note that registration by other email addresses cannot get a VIP upgrade by any means. Register here.