崇基學院校友會 周年會員大會 2023

Annual General Meeting of CCCAA 2023

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chung Chi College Alumni Association (CCCAA) will be held in July this year. Details are as follows:
日期 Date:2023年7月13日(四) 13 Jul 2023 (Thur)
時間 Time︰7:30 PM
地點 Venue︰
中環嶺南會所 (中環德輔道中25-27A號安樂園大廈12-13樓)
Lingnan Club (12-13/F, On Lok Yuen Buildling, 25-27A Des Vouex Road, Central)
費用 Fee:全免 Free of Charge

備註 Remarks:
- 校友會會員:港幣$300;
- 非會員:港幣$350。
Dinner at own expense will be served at Lingnan Club after the meeting:
- CCCAA Member: HK$300;
- Non-member: HK$350
Meeting documents and payment details will be sent via email. Please register if interested.

有興趣參加周年會員大會的崇基校友,請於7月7日 (五) 或之前網上報名。
If you are interested in attending the AGM, please register online on or before Fri 7 Jul 2023.

A reminder will be sent out by CCCAA on Tue 11 Jul 2023.

Dinner at own expense will be served in Lingnan Club after the meeting. Payment arrangement and details will be sent via email. Please register if interested.

查詢詳情,請致電 3943 6449 或電郵 cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk 聯絡崇基學院院務室王小姐。
Please contact Ms. Melanie Wong of the Chung Chi College Office at 3943 6449 or cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk