請仔細閱讀以下借用場地守則: Please read the following terms and regulations: 預約前須知 Points to note before booking ➤ 此製作間只供聯合書院學生及教職員作教育及非商業用途。 The studio is reserved for booking and use by eligible United College students and staff members for educational and non-commercial purposes ONLY. ➤ 創意多媒體製作間以先到先得原則借用。使用者需於使用日期七個工作天前填妥此申請表,並將於三天內收到審批通知。 The Creative Media Studio is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Users are required to submit this application form 7 working days prior to the date of use and will receive the result within three working days. ➤ 工作室借用時間為逢星期一至五上午10時至下午9時及星期六上午10時至下午4時。星期日及公眾假期暫停開放。每節借用長度為2小時。 The duration of each booking session is 2 hours from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday. The studio is not available for booking on Sundays and Public Holidays. ➤ 每位使用者每星期最多借用3節。 A maximum of 3 sessions can be reserved per week per user. ➤ 借用的場地或器材不得轉借予其他團體,如經發現,該使用者被褫奪一個學期的借用資格。 This venue or equipment booking is not transferrable to a third party. If any users transferred the venue or equipment borrowed to a third party, the user concerned will not be eligible to any other booking for the whole semester. 使用當天注意事項 Points to note on the day of use ➤ 使用者須於使用前,到登記處出示確認電郵及中大學生證或職員證。 Users are required to present confirmation email and CU Link Card for checking at our counter. ➤ 如使用者未能於借用時段開始頭10分鐘內到場登記,將會取消該節使用場地的資格。 Users who failed to check-in to the reserved room 10 minutes after the booking session begins will be forfeiting their reservation. ➤ 製作間內嚴禁飲食。 Eating or drinking is strictly prohibited in the studio. ➤ 設施如有任何損毀,使用者須承擔相關責任。 Users are responsible for any damages of the furniture and equipment in the studio. ➤ 使用者若有違反本表格所列的注意事項,書院有權即時停止其借用場地及器材的權利,直至另行通告為止。 For violation of regulations listed, the College could cease the right of the user to use the venue or equipment above until further notice. ➤ 如欲使用書院器材拍攝或錄製,請務必將多媒體文件檔案儲存至自備的儲存裝置。如:USB/SD Card。 If you wish to shoot or record with College equipment, be sure to save your media files in your own storage devices such as: USB/SD cards before leaving the Studio. 其他須知 Other remarks ➤ 如欲取消已借用之場地及器材,必須盡快通知天機電算室同事。 To cancel a confirmed booking, users concerned must inform the Tien Chi Microcomputer Laboratory as soon as possible. ➤ 沒有預先取消預約而未有出現之申請者,其已預約時段將於每星期限額內扣減。 No-show without making any cancellation will still be counted and the weekly quota will be deducted count against the quota limit. ➤ 聯合書院只為提供場地及相關支援,借用人需確保其拍攝內容得宜,並沒有對任何人士或東西造成或可能造成任何騷擾、滋擾、煩擾、不便、損害或危險,及遵守相關法規。 United College is responsible for providing the venue and related support only and the user is required to ensure that the filming content is appropriate and does not cause or threaten to cause any harassment, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, damage or danger to any person or thing, and to comply with the relevant law and regulations. ➤ 如本規則有未盡善處,書院有權作出修改。 The College reserves the right to amend the rules where deem appropriate. ➤ 聯合書院職員保留於使用者使用期間進入製作間檢查之權利。 College staff reserve the right to enter the studio for inspection during users’ reserved sessions whenever needed. 查詢 For enquiry:2603 6366
工作室借用時間為逢星期一至五上午10時至下午9時及星期六上午10時至下午4時。星期日及公眾假期暫停開放。每節借用長度為2小時。 The duration of each booking session is 2 hours from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday. The studio is not available for booking on Sundays and Public Holidays.
是次提供資料用作向胡忠圖書館申請非中大通持有人進入天機電算室範圍。 The information was provided for the purpose of making an application to the Wu Chung Library for access to the Tien Chi Microcomputer Laboratory for non-CULink card holders.