新生選科輔導 MDiv/MACS Course Selection Briefing Session (2022-23 intake)
請於7月22日或以前回覆。Please register on or before 22 July. 新生選科輔導 (網上進行) | Course Selection Briefing Session (via Zoom) 課程 Prog: MDiv 神道學碩士 日期 Date: 27/7/2022 (Wed) 時間 Time: 8:00pm 課程 Prog: MACS 基督教研究文學碩士 日期 Date: 29/7/2022 (Fri) 時間 Time: 7:00pm Notes: (1) Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Putonghua. (2) ZOOM meeting ID & password will be sent to registered participants via email prior to the event.
Zoom會議ID及密碼將於活動前以電郵通知。 Zoom meeting ID and password will be sent to registered participants via email.
本院將以電郵回覆 We will reply by email.