ACCEPTED PAPERS - Video Presentations and Author Information

This year, the CAADRIA conference will organise live paper presentations and discussions in a series of parallel sessions, moderated by a session chair.
For each paper, we request one of the authors to provide a 10 minute live presentation via Zoom, using screen sharing and your own PowerPoint, Keynote or PDF presentation that summarises the research.

To support the sharing of knowledge across all conference participants, and have a backup of your presentation in case of technical issues during the conference, we ask you to provide a pre-recorded video presentation.
We will make this video available online ahead of the conference, in case other participants would like to familiarise themselves with your work before the sessions. After the conference, the videos and related information will remain online to serve as an archive of the research collected in CAADRIA 2021.

The technical requirements of your presentation video are:
 - HD resolution - 1280 × 720 pixels
 - Voiceover recording of your verbal presentation
 - Clear and understandable audio
 - No digitally generated speech
 - MP4 File format
 - Filename: 000_Lastname_CAADRIA2021.mp4 – where 000 is your 3-digit paper ID (add zeros if necessary)
Example: 013_Chan_CAADRIA2021.mp4

We recommend to prepare speaking notes and use the voice recording function in PowerPoint, as this allows for corrections of the recording for each individual slide. Alternatively, you can use Zoom to record your presentation, or software such as Camtasia or Panopto.

The following aspects can be incorporated in your video, these are optional and not required:
 - Picture in picture of yourself presenting
 - Subtitles
 - Animations or video clips as part of the presentation
 - Multiple presenters

Submitted videos will be subject to a review and quality checks by the conference organising team. Please provide timely updates if requested, to avoid not being included in the conference archive.
Deadline for submitting your Presentation Videos: 7 March 2021
Online Publication of Presentation Videos: 22 March 2021

In addition to the presentation video, we would this year like to include some information about the paper authors on our online platform. Please provide a short biography (maximum 100 words) and a photo (optional) of each author.