Program for the Gifted and Talented, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Online Application System 網上報名系統

For enquiries, please contact the Program for the Gifted and Talented, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Email 電郵:   Tel 電話: 26037444 / 26037463 / 26037485 Fax 傳真: 26037435 URL 網址:

Create a new account 建立新戶口

Please use student's information to create the account 請以學生資料建立戶口
Surname姓 (Eng英文):
Given Name 名 (Eng英文):
Chinese Name 中文名:
Date of Birth 出生日期 (yyyy/mm/dd):
Contact Phone Number 聯絡電話:
Email Address 電郵地址:
(Will be used for contacts and login username作聯絡及登入名稱用)
Password 密碼:
(At least 6 characters最少6個字元)
Re-enter Password 再次輸入密碼: