稱謂/Title *
注意:閣下的英文全名將會列印於證書上。 Note: Your full English name will be used for printing certificate.
身份/Identity *
所屬機構/Organisation (按英文字母排序 In alphabetical order) *
是否需要出席證書?Do you wish to obtain an attendance certificate? *
If you wish to obtain an attendance certificate, please indicate how you would like to obtain your attendance certificate: *
注意:證書在郵遞過程中如有任何延誤、遺失或損毀,本計劃恕不負責。Disclaimer: This program shall not be held responsible for any damage, loss, or delay of the attendance certificate.
聲明: 本人清楚知道整個網絡研討會過程會進行攝影或攝錄,並同意照片及影片用於本計劃網站及印刷品,作推廣本計劃之用。 本報名表格所提交個人資料,只供處理報名等相關事宜。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,參加者有權查詢及更改其個人資料。申請者如欲更改個人資料,請以書面方式提出申請,傳真號碼:2603-5781。Disclaimer: The Jockey Club “Sports without Limits” Youth Empowerment Programme webinar series allows for audio and video information sent during the session to be recorded. These recordings will primarily be used for website planning, printing, and other promotional uses. By joining the webinar, you understand and consent to being recorded. The data from this registration form will merely be used for processing registration. Per the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, participants hold the right to inquire and change their personal information. Should applicants wish to modify personal information, please provide a written application via fax: 2603-5781. *
This form is owned by Kit Ting Yeung (SSPE).
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