Volunteer Application Form 義工申請表格

Volunteer service forms an essential part of unwavering self-practice and supporting the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism (the Centre) 's work. The Centre expects all volunteers can improve their understanding of Dharma and their personal qualities simultaneously by providing services.

義工服務是堅定個人修持及支援香港中文大學人間佛教研究中心 (下稱:本中心) 工作的重要一環。本中心期望義工在服務之餘,自身也能有所裨益,法義和質素同步成長。

To register as a volunteer, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
* To have a strong commitment to the purpose and ideals of the Centre and to be willing to abide by the relevant team rules and guidelines.
* To have enthusiasm to help others, with no upper age limit or qualification requirement.

* 認同本中心義工團隊的理念和宗旨,樂意遵守團隊守則及指引。
* 服務熱忱,學歷不拘。