[Public Talk] Ink Art as a Curatorial Problem - Registration

Speaker: Alan Yeung (Associate Curator, Ink Art, M+)
Date:1 April (Tue) 2025, 8:00pm – 9:30pm including Q&A session
Venue: Chen Kou Bun Building 122, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Moderation: Prof. Yongwoo Lee (Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, CUHK)

Ink Art is one of M+’s explicit collection areas and a distinctive feature of its mission, but it is not always clear exactly what the term means. In the West Kowloon Cultural District’s founding documents, it was defined as ‘unique and continuing characteristic of Chinese culture [that] had been performing a bridging role between traditional and contemporary Chinese arts’—ambivalently between past and present, but definitely Chinese. The category has since expanded to encompass a broad range of artists and practices from the rest of East Asia and beyond. Yet there are glaring omissions, and Ink Art’s relationships to Asia’s premodern artistic traditions and to contemporary nationalism and postcoloniality still require much resolution. This talk will address Ink Art as curatorial problem in both theoretical and practical terms, drawing from first-hand experience with exhibitions at M+ and beyond, particularly M+’s ongoing Shanshui and upcoming Canton Modern.

Alan Yeung is Associate Curator, Ink Art, at M+, Hong Kong. Previously, he was Fellow at CAMLab, a new initiative at Harvard University that combines humanistic inquiry with creative digital media practice, and Associate Curator at Ink Studio, a Beijing-based gallery specialising in contemporary ink art. Alan is co-editor, with Valerie Doran and Eugene Wang, of The Liu Kuo-Sung Reader: Selected Texts on and by the Artist, 1950s–Present (2024).

This talk is organised by the Master of Arts in Cultural Management Programme, CUHK.
Enquiry: haoqianyu@cuhk.edu.hk