You are invited to participate in a project called "Building a Collaborative Platform for Enhancing Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education". You will be asked to complete a survey about the perception of artificial intelligence (AI) in the higher education context among university teaching staff aged 18 years or above. The project is led by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Reference number: 4170971).
You may be asked to fill out questionnaires and/or invited to a focus group interview to share your learning experience with the researchers. The questionnaires will take an estimated 5 minutes to complete and will ask questions related to your comments on AI teaching and learning. There are no direct risks or benefits associated with participation.
Your responses, artifacts, and relevant data collected will be anonymized and solely used for preparing aggregated statistics or carrying out academic research by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The data collected will be useful for creating a promotional video, conducting a pilot study, and improving teaching and learning through AI in Hong Kong higher education. Your personal identity will be kept confidential, and aggregated results will not be made available in a form that identifies you. All data used for the research will be destroyed within three years after this project.
Your participation in this project is voluntary, and you may decline to participate without penalty. If you decide to participate, you may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. If you have any questions or concerns about the project, you may contact the project's principal investigator, Professor Paul LAM, at the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research at the CUHK via email at paul.lam@cuhk.edu.hk. If you have any complaints about the project, you may contact the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee at fssc02@cuhk.edu.hk.
I have read and understood the above information. I agree to participate in this study.
Only participants who have fulfilled and checked both of the following options are eligible for the survey. *
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.
This form is owned by Wikie Chan, Mr. (CLEAR).
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