1. 請問您是病人本人或在診治過程陪伴病人,並主要協助病人處理與醫療費用有關事宜(如收集所需費用資料,檢視不同醫院或醫療機構的服務費用預算)的病人親屬?
Are you the patient or a patient’s next-of-kin, who accompanied the patient throughout the patient journey and heavily involved in assisting the patient to handle financial matters for his/her medical need (e.g. collecting fee information and reviewing budget estimates from different hospitals/healthcare facilities)? *
2. 您/病人是否曾在私營醫療機構接受過以下的常見及非緊急手術/程序?請選擇最近一次接受的常見及非緊急手術/程序。
Have you/Has the patient received the following common and non-emergency operation/procedure in a private healthcare facility? Please choose the ONE common and non-emergency operation/procedure received MOST RECENTLY. *
3. 承上題,您/病人所接受的手術/程序是否由醫院管理局或政府資助?(例如:腸道檢查公私營協作計劃(腸道協作)、大腸癌篩查計劃或耀眼行動)
Riding on the above question, was that operation/procedure you/the patient received under any subsidy by the Hospital Authority or the Government? (For example, the Colon Assessment Public-Private Partnership Programme (“Colon PPP”), Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme or Cataract Surgeries Programme) *
6. 您/病人是在哪裏進行該手術/程序?
Where did you/the patient receive that operation/procedure? *
8. 承上題,您/病人在進行該手術/程序前,是否在該醫療設施會見主診醫生?
Riding on the above question, did you/the patient consult the attending doctor at the above facility before receiving that operation/procedure? *
9. 您/病人是否有就該手術/程序取得服務費用預算,不論形式(口頭/紙本)?(即該手術/程序的預計費用,通常會於會見醫生後取得。不同病人的預算會根據醫生診斷,病人個人健康狀況及醫療需要而有所不同。請到以下網頁檢視紙本服務費用預算的範本*: https://privatehospitals.org.hk/doc/Estimated%20Doctors%20Fees.pdf 及 https://www.privatehospitals.org.hk/doc/Estimated%20Hospital%20Charges.pdf )
Did you/the patient obtain budget estimate for that operation/procedure, no matter in verbal or written form? (i.e. fees and charges estimated for the operation/procedure, which is often provided after the consultation with the doctor, with reference to personalised/customised factors like the provisional diagnosis by the doctor, personal health condition and medical need of the patient. Please see the sample of a written budget estimate at*: https://privatehospitals.org.hk/doc/Estimated%20Doctors%20Fees.pdf and https://www.privatehospitals.org.hk/doc/Estimated%20Hospital%20Charges.pdf )
*來源:香港私家醫院聯會 Source: The Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association *
10. 承上題,請問該服務費用預算是否由進行手術/程序的醫療設施所發出?
Riding on the above question, was that budget estimate issued by the healthcare facility which you/the patient received the operation/procedure? *
10. 承上題,請問該服務費用預算是否由進行手術/程序的醫療設施所發出?
Riding on the above question, was that budget estimate issued by the healthcare facility which you/your patient received the operation/procedure?
11. 您/病人有否於手術/程序前經西醫確診任何以下慢性疾病?(可選多項)
Were you/Was the patient diagnosed by doctor with any of the below chronic conditions before that operation/procedure? (multiple choices allowed) *
12. (如您是病人親屬) 病人的年齡是?
(If you are a patient’s next-of-kin) What is the patient's age?
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