網上捐款表格 Online Donation Form

(接受 VISA、萬事達卡或銀聯卡 VISA, MasterCard or UnionPay are accepted)

香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館致力提升公眾對氣候變化的關注,啟發生活態度和行為的轉變。 閣下的捐款將支持博物館的營運及發展,讓更多人認識氣候變化,參與氣候行動。

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change seeks to promote positive changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to climate change both in Hong Kong and beyond. Your gift will support the Museum’s operation and development and help it to win a wider audience for its climate education message.



To donate by a crossed cheque, please click here to download our paper donation form.  Please return a completed donation form along with a crossed cheque by mail to Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, Suite 909, Yasumoto International Academic Park 9/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

For donations from the U.S. and Canada, please click here for details.

捐款人/機構資料 Donor Particulars

中大校友適用 For CUHK Alumni
校友編號 Alumni ID:
畢業年份 Graduation Year:
主修 Major:
書院/研究院 College / Graduate School:


捐款詳情 Donation Details

捐款金額(港幣) Donation Amount (HK$)*
Others, $ 

·       捐款港幣100元或以上可憑正式收據申請扣減稅項。正式收據將郵寄至 閣下的郵寄地址。Every donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible. An official receipt will be sent to your mailing address.

捐款次數 Donation Frequency*

捐款收據 Donation Receipt*
本人需要捐款退稅收據。 Tax-deductible donation receipt is required.
本人不需要捐款退稅收據。 Tax-deductible donation receipt is not required.


鳴謝 Acknowledgement

捐款人/機構芳名將列於博物館電子銘謝牆。 Your/Your organization’s name will be recognized on the MoCC’s digital donor wall.

捐款人/機構芳名 Name to be Acknowledged*

與捐款人姓名/機構名稱相同 Same as Donor Particulars
與捐款收據抬頭相同 Same as Name on Donation Receipt
其他 Others
本人欲以「無名氏」身份捐款。 I wish my donation to remain anonymous.


「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」 Friends of MoCC

感謝 閣下支持! 閣下將自動成為「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」,緊貼博物館最新動態。請按此參閱詳情。 Thank you for your support! You will automatically become a member of ‘Friends of the Museum’. As a member, you will stay close with the MoCC’s latest news and events. Please click here for details.

本人不願意成為「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」。I do not wish to become a member of ‘Friends of MoCC’.
本人不同意賽馬會氣候變化博物館向本人進行籌募推廣或宣傳活動。I do not wish to be contacted by the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change for direct marketing purposes relating to solicitation of donations and/or promotion of activities of the Museum or the University.


聲明 Disclaimer

收集個人資料 Collection of Personal Information
 閣下的個人資料會用於與捐款有關的各種目的,包括保存捐款紀錄及呈報大學有關部門。未經 閣下同意,本館不會向第三方披露任何個人資料。有關本校處理個人資料的政策,請按此 The information collected in this form will be used for the purposes of donation and related activities, including donation record keeping and reporting to the University's concerned units. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent. For the University’s personal data policy, please click here.

查閱及更改個人資料 Personal Information Access and Correction
 閣下有權要求查閱及更改提供予賽馬會氣候變化博物館的個人資料。如需相關協助,請電郵至 mocc@cuhk.edu.hkYou have the right to request access to and correction of personal data held by the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change. Please e-mail your request to mocc@cuhk.edu.hk.


查詢 Enquiry

社會責任及可持續發展處 Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
電話 Phone No.
(852) 3943-9632
傳真Fax No.
(852) 3942-0985
電郵 Email
地址 Address
香港新界沙田香港中文大學康本國際學術園九樓909室 Suite 909, Yasumoto International Academic Park 9/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

感謝 閣下的支持!Thank you very much for your support!


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