捐款人/機構資料 Donor Particulars
畢業年份 Graduation Year:
書院/研究院 College / Graduate School:
捐款金額(港幣) Donation Amount (HK$)*
· 捐款港幣100元或以上可憑正式收據申請扣減稅項。正式收據將郵寄至 閣下的郵寄地址。Every donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible. An official receipt will be sent to your mailing address.
捐款人/機構芳名將列於博物館電子銘謝牆。 Your/Your organization’s name will
be recognized on the MoCC’s digital donor wall.
捐款人/機構芳名 Name to be Acknowledged*
「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」 Friends of MoCC
感謝 閣下支持! 閣下將自動成為「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」,緊貼博物館最新動態。請按此參閱詳情。 Thank you for your support! You will automatically become a member of ‘Friends of the Museum’. As a member, you will stay close with the MoCC’s latest news and events. Please click here for details.
社會責任及可持續發展處 Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
電話 Phone No.
(852) 3943-9632
傳真Fax No.
(852) 3942-0985
地址 Address
香港新界沙田香港中文大學康本國際學術園九樓909室 Suite 909, Yasumoto International Academic Park 9/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong