捐贈意願 Donation Purpose* |
捐款次數 Donation Frequency*
捐款金額 Donation Amount*
(以港幣折算,最低捐贈金額為100元) (Denominated in Hong Kong dollars. The minimum donation amount is $100)
捐贈方法 Donation Method*
收集個人資料 Collection of Personal Information
聯合書院所收集的個人資料,只會用於與捐款相關的用途,包括保存捐款紀錄及呈報大學有關部門。除非得到 閣下允許,否則本書院不會向第三者披露 閣下的個人資料。
United College (UC) will collect personal data from you which will be processed for the purpose of donation record keeping and reporting to the University's concerned units. Any personal data UC receives from you will not be disclosed to any third party except with your prior consent.
聯合書院希望為您提供我們最新消息及活動資訊。如您不欲收到上述通訊,請電郵至 uc-donation@cuhk.edu.hk 通知我們。
United College would like to keep you informed of the College's news and activities. If you do not wish to receive the above information from us in future, please let us know at uc-donation@cuhk.edu.hk.
查閱及更改個人資料 Access and Correction of Personal Information
閣下有權要求查閱及更改提供予聯合書院的個人資料。如 閣下欲行使這項權利,請將要求以電郵至 uc-donation@cuhk.edu.hk。
You have the right to request access to and (if appropriate) correction of personal data held by UC. If you wish to exercise this right, please e-mail to uc-donation@cuhk.edu.hk.