“WS PEOPLE FUND” Online Donation Form 「和聲人基金」網上捐款表格

Part 1 - Donor Particulars 第一部份:捐款者資料

Title 稱謂:*
Donor Name 捐款者姓名:

English Name *
Last Name
(in capital letter 請以正楷填寫)

First Name
中文姓名 (如適用)

Donation Receipt


Contact Method 聯絡方法:*

Name of contact person

Mobile phone no. 流動電話號碼:
Email address 電郵地址:
Correspondence Address

(Full name in capital letter 請以正楷填寫, In English or In Chinese)
Are you alumni of CUHK? 閣下是否中大校友?:*
(Graduation Year 畢業年份:

College 所屬書院:

Major Programme 主修學系:

Alumni ID (if available) 校友編號 (如有):

Part 2 – Donation Method 第二部份:捐款方法

To 致: WS People Fund - I am pleased to donate HK$
 和聲人基金 - 本人欲透過以下方式捐款港幣
by *
Crossed cheque payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” or ”香港中文大學”
劃線支票 (抬頭註明「香港中文大學」或 “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”)
Cheque number 支票號碼:
  Name of the Bank 銀行名稱:
  (Please send the donation confirmation page and the crossed cheque to the Lee Woo Sing College Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.
By credit card payment (Please complete Part 4 of the donation form)
信用卡 (請填寫本表格的第四部份)

Guidance notes on making credit card payment 信用卡付款指引:
1. Only Visa and Master cards are accepted;
只接受 Visa 和萬事達卡作為信用卡捐款方式;
2. Please provide all the information requested to ensure prompt processing of your payment;
請提供表格上列明的所有信息,以確保能及時處理 閣下之捐款;
3. Please double check and make sure all the information written on this form is correct.

Part 3 – Donation Purpose 第三部份:捐款用途

I would like designate my donation to support the following area 本人欲捐助以下用途: *


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