如欲透過於美國註冊之「香港中文大學基金會」捐款支持大學發展,並獲發適用於美國申請扣減稅項之捐款收據,請前往此網頁: www.oia.cuhk.edu.hk/cht/giving_to_cuhk/gifts-from-the-us-and-canada
If you would like to make a donation in support of the development of the university via “The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation, Inc.”, please visit this website: www.oia.cuhk.edu.hk/eng/giving_to_cuhk/gifts-from-the-us-and-canada . Tax-deductible receipt applicable in the U.S. will be issued as appropriate.
*必須填寫 Mandatory Fields

捐 款 者 資 料 Donor Particulars

郵寄地址 Mailing Address:
如需大學發出適用於加拿大申請扣減稅項之捐款收據,請填寫 閣下位於加拿大之地址,並於「收據抬頭」欄註明。
If you would like to receive tax-deductible receipt applicable in Canada, please provide your Canadian address and state it in the field of “Name on receipt”.
單位/室/樓/座 Flat/Room/Floor/Block: *
大廈/屋苑名稱 Name of Building/Estate: *
街道及街號 No. & Name of Street:
區/城市/市鎮 District/City/Town: *
省份/州 Province/State
(海外地址適用 applicable for overseas address):
郵區編號 Postal Code
(海外地址適用 applicable for overseas address):
國家或地區 Country/Region:

閣下是否中大校友? Are you a graduate from CUHK? *

閣下是否中大職員? Are you a CUHK staff member? *

捐 贈 用 途 Donation Purpose

本人欲捐款支持以下項目 I would like to make a donation in support of the following area(s)*

註 Remarks:

捐 款 次 數 Donation Frequency *


捐 款 金 額 Donation Amount *

(捐贈金額以港幣折算。 Donation amount will be denominated in Hong Kong dollars.)

捐 贈 方 法 Donation Method *

劃線支票 By crossed cheque
(支票抬頭請註明「香港中文大學」Cheque payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”)
支票號碼 Cheque no.  
Please send the donation confirmation page and the crossed cheque to the Office of Institutional Advancement, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong)
信用卡 By credit card 
(接受VISA、萬事達卡或銀聯卡 VISA, MasterCard or UnionPay are accepted)

捐 款 收 據 Donation Receipt *

Please send the tax-deductible donation receipt to my mailing address.

收據抬頭 Name on receipt: (請以英文填寫 In English) *

本人不需要捐款退稅收據。Tax-deductible donation receipt is not required.
備註 Note:

Tax-deductible receipt applicable in Hong Kong will be issued by CUHK for donors who have made a donation in the amount of HK$100 or above. For all donations from Canada, CUHK will issue Canadian dollar-denominated tax-deductible receipt applicable in Canada. The tax-deductible receipt will be sent to the given mailing address in six months.
Acceptance of donation is subject to the approval of the University Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All unaccepted donation will be returned to respective donor.

本人不同意拓展及籌募處使用本人的個人資料向本人進行籌募推廣或活動宣傳。欲了解更多本處的個人資料政策,請瀏覽此網址 www.cuhk.edu.hk/oia/pdpao
I do not wish to be contacted by the Office of Institutional Advancement for direct marketing purposes relating to solicitation of donations and/or promotion of activities of the University. For more details on our personal data policy, please visit our website at www.cuhk.edu.hk/oia/pdpao.

聲明 Disclaimer


拓展及籌募處所收集的個人資料,只會用於與捐款有關的各種目的,包括保存捐款紀錄及呈報大學有關部門。除非得到 閣下允許,否則本處不會向第三者披露 閣下的個人資料。


閣下有權要求查閱及更改提供予拓展及籌募處的個人資料。如 閣下欲行使這項權利,請將要求以電郵或郵寄至拓展及籌募處。

Collection of Personal Information

Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA) will collect personal data from you which will be processed for the purpose of donation record keeping and reporting to the University's concerned units. Any personal data OIA receives from you will not be disclosed to any third party except with your prior consent.

Personal Information Access and Correction

You have the right to request access to and (if appropriate) correction of personal data held by OIA. If you wish to exercise this right, please e-mail to oia@cuhk.edu.hk or write to us at:

Office of Institutional Advancement
Room LG2, LG/F
University Administration Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong

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