Issue 11 10 Jul 2015
From the Editor

We are pleased to bring to you Issue 11 of the College Newsletter, which summarizes the events and achievements from March 2015. Our third academic year drew to a successful conclusion. The summer is a good time to pause and take stock, and to get ready for welcoming our fourth cohort, bringing the College to full strength in September.  We owe much to many parties who have supported our endeavours, and we are pleased to tell the story of this vibrant community to all our friends.

College exchange students
College exchange students
CW Chu College shortlisted by the Jury Panel of HKIA Annual Awards 2014

CW Chu College is honoured to be shortlisted by the Jury Panel of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) Annual Awards 2014. The College Campus will be listed in the HKIA Annual Awards 2014 Special Issue.

Design of the CW Chu College Campus and the underlying rationale
Design of the CW Chu College Campus and the underlying rationale
Platinum Rating for CW Chu College in the BEAM 4/04 Certification
The Technical Review Panel of Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Society Limited has approved the highest rating of 'Platinum' for the CW Chu College Campus on 2 April 2015.
CW Chu College
CW Chu College
My Love Letter to CW Chu College

by Mr Kevin Dhali, an exchange student from the US in Term 2, 2014–15


Sir Isaac Newton once said, 'I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.' Indeed, knowledge is boundless; knowledge is eternal. As I now pursue my education, I stand before the mighty and endless sea of knowledge, waiting for the waves to sweep the shore, sending me new pretty shells.

Kevin Dhali (last row, blue jersey) in the College Soccer Team
Kevin Dhali (last row, blue jersey) in the College Soccer Team
Experience Sharing by Incoming Exchange Student, Allison Needels

by Miss Allison Needels, an exchange student from the US who spent two semesters with us in the academic year 2014–15


On 26 August 2014, I became a new student… again. My first few days at The Chinese University of Hong Kong were just like the ones I experienced when I was eighteen. Would people like me? Would my Chinese improve? What would my roommate be like? I was already a third year student, but I knew that the upcoming nine months in Hong Kong would require me to start all over again. I had no friends to guide me, no family there to support me, and certainly no Cantonese skills. Naturally, I was nervous.

Allison Needels (right 1) with incoming exchange students in College Hostel
Allison Needels (right 1) with incoming exchange students in College Hostel
Summer Tour to Pearl River Delta

Professor Kenneth Young, College Master, and Ms Jade Cai, Project Assistant, led a group of 12 CW Chu College students on a three-day tour to the Pearl River Delta Area from 5 to 7 May 2015. The tour featured visits to notable companies, universities and cultural sites of the region.


A CUHK (SZ) student who visited CWC before presented her painting to CWC students.
A CUHK (SZ) student who visited CWC before presented her painting to CWC students.
Launch Ceremony for the Mentorship Scheme and Presentation of Scholarships and Certificates 2014–15

The Launch Ceremony for the Mentorship Scheme and Presentation of Scholarships and Certificates is an important annual event of CW Chu College. The Ceremony of this year, officiated by Mr David Chu, Chairman of the Committee of Overseers, was successfully held at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the College on 14 March 2015. Over a hundred scholarship donors, mentors and mentees, guests and friends of CWC, College affiliates, parents, award and certificate recipients graced the Ceremony with their presence.


Mr David Chu congratulating scholarship and certificate recipients
Mr David Chu congratulating scholarship and certificate recipients
Encouragement from Residents

Before CW Chu College becomes full-fledged, some spare rooms were made available to students from other colleges and a small number of postgraduates. Zhao Xin (a PhD student in Biomedical Sciences), Lau Ting Fung and Pang Tak Keung (both United College students) lived in CW Chu College over the past academic year. They participated in the communal dining and High Table Dinners, and make friends with College students. Before they left, they left the following messages:


Miss Zhao Xin (front, middle) having desserts with other residents
Miss Zhao Xin (front, middle) having desserts with other residents
Donations (1 Mar – 9 July 2015)

The College expresses its sincere appreciation to donors for their generous support.

Personalia (Mar – July 2015)

Our hearty congratulations to the following College members for various appointments and achievements

Result of The Professor Julie Hung Hsua Yu Scholarship for Intellectual Excel-leration
The Professor Julie Hung Hsua Yu Scholarship for Intellectual Excel-leration ('Julie Yu Scholarship' for short) is funded by a generous donation contributed by a former student of Professor Julie Yu.  This scholarship intends to celebrate and promote the spirit of excellence, generosity and creativity shared by Dr CW Chu, the Chu Scholars, Professor Julie Yu and the donor — and which is also captured in the College Motto, Cultus et Beneficentia.
The Third Student Honour Code Committee

The election procedures of the Third Student Honour Code Committee (SHCC) were initiated by the existing SHCC members in early April 2015. All students of CW Chu College were welcome to submit nominations during the period of 2–10 April 2015. A total of seven valid nominations were received by the closing date on 10 April 2015.

Student Union Activity

Reading Club on Chinese and Western Mythology by Prof Cheung Hok Ming Frederick


The College's Student Union invited Prof Frederick Cheung from the Department of History to host a reading club on 19 March 2015 on Chinese and Western Mythology.

Prof Frederick Cheung (right 4, first row) introducing mythology to students
Prof Frederick Cheung (right 4, first row) introducing mythology to students
Residents' Association Activities

CWC Singing Contest

The Residents' Association of the CW Chu College Hostel, C·Lover, organised the CWC Singing Contest (final round) on 10 March 2015, increasing students' sense of belonging and connectedness to the College. College teachers and students gathered to cheer the contestants, and witnessed the moment when their rehearsal efforts paid off.

College teachers, judges and participants of the CWC Singing Contest
College teachers, judges and participants of the CWC Singing Contest
College Internship Scheme 2015

The College is committed to providing opportunities for students to get prepared for the workplace. To this end, the Internship Scheme was successfully launched in 2014, and continues to benefit students in summer 2015. Over 28 summer internship opportunities exclusive for students of the College were sourced from 15 organizations across various sectors, such as administration, finance, marketing, media, product development, research and development, sales and sourcing, and social services. At least 13 students so far have been selected as interns after interviews by the companies concerned. The College hopes that these internships should offer students across different years and from different disciplines a broadening experience and community engagement.

Prof Young, College Master, introducing the workshop
Prof Young, College Master, introducing the workshop
Language Enhancement Programme

Toastmasters Taster Sessions

A total of six Toastmasters Taster Sessions were conducted in the academic year of 2014–15, which gives students the opportunity to improve their public speaking and presentation skills in a friendly and supportive environment. The sessions involved giving prepared speeches, one-to-two-minutes impromptu talks and speech evaluation, through which members developed English speaking skills, built confidence in public speaking and made lasting friendships. Some new members joined the sessions this year.

College student giving a speech
College student giving a speech
High Table Dinner and Communal Dining

The Fourth High Table Dinner 2014–15

The College's fourth High Table Dinner held on 18 March 2015 was kick-started by a humorous introduction presented by Mr Kevin Dhali, a third-year exchange student from Brown University, USA and MC of the dinner. Following a welcome speech conducted by the College Master, the Guest of Honour Professor Nelson Chow began to share his inspiring speech on 'Why we need a Universal Pensions Scheme in Hong Kong?'

Prof Nelson Chow
Prof Nelson Chow
College Activities

Lunch Talk by Ms Mak Chen Wen-ning: 'Healing a Tiny Part of Our Planet: Combating Desertification in Inner Mongolia


Ms Mak Chen Wen-ning, Chairman of Homeland Green, gave a lunch talk entitled 'Healing a Tiny Part of Our Planet: Combating Desertification in Inner Mongolia—A Story of How One Person Can Make a Difference' at CW Chu College on 14 March 2015, sharing her personal experience in re-vegetation and revival of soil in Inner Mongolia.

Ms Mak Chen Wen-ning with Prof Kenneth Young
Ms Mak Chen Wen-ning with Prof Kenneth Young
Student Sharing

Participation in International Conferences (by Kevin Cheung & Charles Wu)

Third-year students Mr Kevin Cheung and Mr Charles Wu participated in the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) and the World Business Dialogue, world-renowned conferences, in the academic year 2014–15. They hosted a sharing session on 26 March 2015 to encourage fellow students to explore the world by joining different conferences and international activities, to share their memorable experience, and to give valuable advice on how to succeed in applications.


Kevin Cheung and Charles Wu at the World Business Dialogue
Kevin Cheung and Charles Wu at the World Business Dialogue

Sport Climbing Fun Day

Twenty students joined a Sport Climbing Fun Day at Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field organized by the College on 6 March 2015. Mr Chun Kwok Leung from Wizdom Learning Centre Limited taught students basic climbing skills and safety measures to observe through the one-day training. Participants gained a better understanding on sports climbing, built self-confidence, developed body coordination, and learned to persevere.


Participants in front of the climbing wall
Participants in front of the climbing wall
College Retreat

This year's College Retreat was held at Meraviglia Bar E Ristorante, Science Park, on 16 May 2015. A total of 13 College affiliates and four representatives from the CWC Student Union participated in this event; they joined the lunch in honour of the Chairman and Members of the College Committee of Overseers held before the Retreat, and took part in the group discussions.


College members and students joining the College Retreat
College members and students joining the College Retreat
College Promotional Activities

Academic Planning Day for Secondary 5 Students

The Academic Planning Day for Secondary 5 Students organized by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid was held on 28 March 2015. A promotional booth of CW Chu College was set up in the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall with student ambassadors answering enquiries and introducing the features of a fully residential college. Secondary 5 students responded positively to the two briefing sessions conducted at YC Liang Hall by Professor Thomas Au, Chair of the Admissions, Scholarships and Financial Aid Committee. Participants also learnt about the College through the sharing by a second-year student, Mr Chan Cheuk Kiu Jefferson, an active member of College's Student Union and Service Team.

Prof Thomas Au introducing features of a fully residential college
Prof Thomas Au introducing features of a fully residential college

Delegation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

A group of student representatives from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), led by Ms Dorothy Wong, Director of Administrative Services, paid a visit to the College on 25 March 2015. The delegates were received by the College Master, Professor Kenneth Young, and enjoyed a tea gathering at Lanson Terrace. They toured the College campus and were much impressed with the College facilities. Through the brief introduction by the College Master, the delegates gained a basic idea of College life at CWC and the living and study environment of a fully residential college.


College Master, Prof Kenneth Young, welcoming the delegation from CUHK (SZ)
College Master, Prof Kenneth Young, welcoming the delegation from CUHK (SZ)

The Third Joint Convocation Conference 'Hall & College Education at HKU & College Spirit at CUHK—in Retrospect and Looking Ahead'

Professor Kenneth Young, Master of CW Chu College, represented CUHK to give a keynote speech at the third Joint Convocation Conference organised by HKU Convocation and CUHK Convocation on 18 April 2015 on the topic 'Hall & College Education at HKU & College Spirit at CUHK—in Retrospect and Looking Ahead'.

The Third Joint Convocation Conference
The Third Joint Convocation Conference
Next Issue

The next issue of the CW Chu College Newsletter will be published in October 2015.  College members are welcomed to provide news and contributions (in either Chinese or English) to the College Office via email ( by 21 September 2015.

From the Editor
CW Chu College shortlisted by the Jury Panel of HKIA Annual Awards 2014
Platinum Rating for CW Chu College in the BEAM 4/04 Certification
My Love Letter to CW Chu College
Experience Sharing by Incoming Exchange Student, Allison Needels
Summer Tour to Pearl River Delta
Launch Ceremony for the Mentorship Scheme and Presentation of Scholarships and Certificates 2014–15
Encouragement from Residents
Donations (1 Mar – 9 July 2015)
Personalia (Mar – July 2015)
Result of The Professor Julie Hung Hsua Yu Scholarship for Intellectual Excel-leration
The Third Student Honour Code Committee
Student Union Activity
Residents' Association Activities
College Internship Scheme 2015
Language Enhancement Programme
High Table Dinner and Communal Dining
College Activities
Student Sharing
College Retreat
College Promotional Activities
Next Issue

Past Issue