Welcoming Message |
Dear students,
No matter you are a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or intern, welcome to step aboard the vibrant and beautiful campus of CUHK after the hectic summer break which was jampacked with effervescent events, repetitive disputes, fire-opening threats, natural catastrophes, great acts and stirring episodes.
I·CARE Campus Tour - Telling CUHK Stories |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong is well known for its spectacular scenery. Overlooking Tolo Harbour, our verdant campus has indeed many historical stories behind.
University Lecture on Civility 2017 - The 13 Things Learnt from the Adventure of a Perplexing Youth |
The University Lecture on Civility (ULC) is an overwhelmingly received event which has been rolled out for seven years. We are privileged to have Professor Lung Yingtai, a renowned Taiwanese writer, as the speaker of ULC this year. As suggested by the title "The 13 Things Learnt from the Adventure of a Perplexing Youth", Professor Lung will share her views of the period from adolescence to adulthood with us.
Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2017-18: Recruitment of Docents |
Cultural tour differs from common trip in which you may listen to stories from local people and get deep knowledge of a district through cultural perspective. The I·CARE Cultural Tours Project is now recruiting docents who would receive a series of professional trainings to enhance tour guiding capability, and to further design and lead cultural tours serving high school students.
博群非牟利團體實習計劃(香港)2017 現正接受報名 |
(Chinese version only)
假若你對香港非牟利團體(NGO)工作有憧憬、想親身參與關注的議題、深入社區工作、為社群發聲出力,歡迎報名參加香港非牟利團體實習計劃!你將以實習生身份參與本地 NGO 工作,跟隨機構工作步伐,深入社會發展脈絡,親身體會 NGO 的理念和手法。
Recruitment of Members to CUHK Bridge to China Team |
CUHK Bridge to China Team is a university volunteering team formed under this Centre with the support and guidance from Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation. Since 2009, the team has participated and organised numerous investigation trips on villages, bridge building projects and public health programmes with the help of CUHK students.
"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme |
Under the Motto "Aspiration through Reflection; Renewal through Civility", the I·CARE Programme has been carefully formulated to ensure the holistic development of students based on five core attributes. The Physical Education Unit and this Centre is co-launching a "Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme to promote energy and wellness, one of the five aspects of whole-person development under the I·CARE framework.
I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme 2017-18 |
The I·CARE Programme invites social services project proposals from students that contribute to their whole-person development. Successful applicants will receive funding support to implement self-initiated social services in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.
CUSE Fund cum Social Business - Orientation Day and Follow-up Activities |
Have you ever imagined you can help solve social problems by establishing social enterprise or social business with your professional knowledge?
CUSE Fund under this Centre and Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK will co-organise an Orientation Day and a series of follow-up activities for students and alumni who are keen to learn more about social entrepreneurship or social business. Participants will be facilitated to develop and actualise their ideas.
Student Development Portfolio |
The Student Development Portfolio (SDP) is a university-wide electronic platform for capturing and presenting students' Experiential Learning Activities (ELA) under the whole-person development framework namely I·CARE.