---------------------------------------- STUDENT ACTIVITIES ---------------------------------------- Recruitment of Student Reporter for "University MarketPlace" 2016-17
MarketPlace (UMP) is a publication of the Office of Student Affairs that covers
matters relating to students and their diverse experiences. UMP is now inviting
applications for serving as Student Reporter for 2016-17.
2016 Graduates' Application for "Report of Experiential Learning Activities"
Under the Student Development Portfolio (SDP), graduates* will be issued ONE Report of Experiential Learning Activities (ELA Report) free of charge upon their request.
---------------------------------------- FUNDING SUPPORT ---------------------------------------- Internationalization Activity Fund
Purpose: The Internationalization Activity Fund aims to support students to
organize activities which promote internationalization and inter-cultural
exchange opportunities among members of the University
Sponsorship Programme on Promoting Understanding of Special Educational Needs (Phase II)
Amidst the
growing number of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) joining our CUHK
family, the University hopes to support activities which would raise campus
concern for SEN and build a more caring community in CUHK.
---------------------------------------- STUDENT COUNSELLING ---------------------------------------- Student Development Programmes
In July and August, the Student Counselling and Development Service will hold the following events for students to facilitate their personal growth and self-enhancement.
---------------------------------------- DISABILITY SERVICES ---------------------------------------- Arrangement of Support Services for Students with Disabilities
ensure timely arrangements, students in need of support services are strongly
encouraged to contact Ms. Jasvinda Ng, the Disability Services Manager, by phone
at 3943 4766 or email sdss@cuhk.edu.hk as early as possible.
---------------------------------------- PUBLICATION ---------------------------------------- Essential Information for Orientations - Compass for Incoming Students 2016-17
guidebook for new non-local students – Compass for Incoming Students 2016-17is
available now.