Jun 2018     Issue 7
A message from the Dean of Engineering

In size, we are the smallest of all engineering schools in Hong Kong, but I believe we are one of the best.  Our faculty performed very well in Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and Research Grants Council (RGC) grants.  Over the years we have recruited an outstanding young faculty team. 

Development of the CUHK Dysarthric Speech Recognition System: Assistive Technology for Healthy Aging

Dysarthria results in a loss of controlling of speech articulators during production. This produces a large mismatch against normal speech. Hence, state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition systems constructed using normal speech are unsuitable to be directly employed.

Detect Rumours Using Time Series of Social Context Information on Microblogging Websites

A novel approach is proposed to capture the temporal characteristics of these features based on the time series of a rumour's lifecycle, for which time series modelling technique is applied to incorporate various social context information

Introduction to Nanomedicine

Prof. CHOI Chung Hang Jonathan talks on Nanomedicine while the department of biomedical engineering is launched to provide professional training in biomedical and engineering sciences to solve medical problems almost a year ago.

Faculty of Engineering Receives Awards in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

Under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government, the State, the City of Geneva and of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the exhibition is one of the world's most important inventions exhibition with 700 exhibitors from 40 countries.


Prof. WONG Kam Fai Receives the Second-class Award in Scientific and Technological Progress from MoE

This winning project is able to effectively retrieve targeted information from a complex web environment, which includes simplified and traditional Chinese, English, and Cantonese for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan residents.


Prof. Raymond YEUNG's Paper Selected for 2018 ACM SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award

Prof. Raymond YEUNG's paper titled "Network Information Flow" was among those selected for the 2018 ACM SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award, a first for Hong Kong researchers.

BME Students Win HKXF FYP+ Supporting Scheme

The winning team pitched a cross-disciplinary approach to cardiac muscle tissue regeneration which amalgamates traditional photolithographic engineering and current advances in stem cell technology.
SEEM Department Receives the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018

Two engineering projects have received two Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018 including a Smart People Silver Award (Smart Inclusion) and a Student Innovation Award. 
Engineering Students Receive Championship at Hacking Contests

CUHK students has won in two contests, including the VXCTF 2018, a Capture-the-Flag hacking contest hosted by the international hacker conference VXCON in Hong Kong, and the PwC Hackaday 2018.

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