Jan 2018     Issue 6
CUHK Innovative Engineering Startups in the Mainland
The Hong Kong Innovation and Technology industry is growing rapidly. In fact, Hong Kong technology startups are not only successful in Hong Kong, but also in the Mainland. The computer vision and deep learning startup company SenseTime, which is located in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, is the first "Unicorn" company in the Park.
Automated Medical Image Analysis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

With the large number of new cancer cases registered and the public's raised awareness of health, it is not surprising to find a rapidly growing demand for improved services in the medical sector. Medical image analysis has been playing a crucial role in the modern healthcare industry.
Lightweight and Portable Cable-Driven Robots for Large-Scale Architecture and Art Applications

In recent years, a new type of robot, the cable-driven robot, has drawn attention from researchers and the industry. A cable-driven robot is a mechanism that is actuated by multiple cables in parallel in order to move the robot's end-effector.

CUHK Technology Forum: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Over Humans?

CUHK engineering experts shared experience of deploying AI techniques to solve practical problems in surgery, health care, robotics, video processing and human computer interaction

Prof. TSANG Hon Ki elected OSA Fellow 2018

Prof. TSANG Hon Ki was elected Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA) for his contributions to nonlinear silicon photonics, sub-wavelength silicon waveguide gratings, and hybrid integration of graphene on silicon waveguides.
Three CUHK Engineering professors elected IEEE Fellows 2018

Prof. Jiaya JIA, Prof. Chandra NAIR and Prof. Jianbin XU from the Faculty of Engineering at CUHK have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2018.
Distinguished Lecturers of IEEE Societies

Prof. MA Wing Kin Ken was selected as IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer.  Prof. Angela ZHANG was elected as the IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.
Prof. BIAN Liming won the Rising Star Award at the 2018 BMES CMBE Conference

Prof. BIAN Liming won the Rising Star Award at the 2018 BMES CMBE (Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering) conference.
Best Paper Award at ACM International Symposium on Physical Design 2017

CSE team won the Best Paper Award at ACM International Symposium on Physical Design.
Prof. LIAO Wei Hsin's Team awarded Best Paper from ASME

A research team led by Prof. LIAO Wei Hsin was awarded the Best Paper Award in Mechanics and Material Systems from American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
CUHK students receive awards at National Challenge Cup Competition

A total of 4 Engineering teams won awards at the biennial National Competition, the 15th "Challenge Cup" held at Shanghai University from 14 to 19 November 2017.
CUHK Team develops a rapid on-site method for subtyping influenza A virus and wins Gold Award in iGEM competition

A genetic engineering team of 15 undergraduate students of Life Science and Biomedical Engineering at CUHK, has been awarded a Gold medal at iGEM 2017 Giant Jamboree held in Boston, USA.
CSE alumnus builds self-driving delivery robots

Computer Science and Engineering alumnus Mr. Met Hing-lung LI co-founded ZhenRobotics, an information technology and services company that develops package-delivery robots.
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