Fostering research in the Faculty of Engineering
Research is about "educational preparation" as well as "fostering innovative ideas". In short, what kind of education do our graduate students need to enable them to tackle challenging and important research problems? And how can the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) encourage new research ideas and innovations so that they will be visible in this competitive environment?
On the education preparation front, the FoE has implemented the following:
- Course work: It has increased the number of required graduate level courses to seven in order to help our graduate students to attain both depth and breadth in their educational preparation.
- Choice: Graduate students, with the help of their advisors, will be free to select graduate courses offered not only by their department, but also by other departments in the FoE, or departments from other faculties in CUHK (e.g. Faculty of Science), as well as graduate courses offered by other universities in Hong Kong.
- Philosophy: Graduate students, with the help of their advisors, are encouraged to structure their courses by arranging for some of said courses to provide the depth necessary to cover their major research areas, and for the rest to provide the breadth required for their long-term research careers.
The above steps will strengthen the training of our graduate students by providing them with a deeper and broader education.
On fostering innovative and interdisciplinary ideas, the FoE has provided seed funding to the following research groups:
- Theoretical Computer Science and Information Theory - Large-Scale Software Systems for Big Data Analytics - Design and Manufacturing for Smart Mechatronics - Large-Scale Fiber Optics Research and Applications - Research on analog integrated circuits and systems for next-generation biomedical devices
The aim of this initiative is not only to encourage collaborative research discussions and activities among students and staff, but also use seed funding that will help our staff and students create the crucial initial research results that will enable them to attain more visibility and recognition.
The research done in FoE at CUHK is already ranked quite high. For instance, the QS World University Rankings place CUHK within the top 22 institutions in the areas of electrical engineering and computer science. Locally, in the 2015-2016 RGC funding exercise, our FoE had the highest success rate among all engineering faculties in Hong Kong. The FoE's highly successful performance underscores its commitment to the creation of an intellectually vibrant environment wherein our faculty members and our students are encouraged and empowered to engage in fruitful innovation, experimentation, and technology transfer.
Prof. John LUI Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong