The CUHK Engineering Faculty achieves tremendous success in the General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2016/17, as shown in recent release by the Research Grants Council (RGC). Thanks to the dedication, passion and efforts of its faculty members, the Faculty has successfully secured a total of $28.8m for 49 funded projects, including 46 GRF projects and 3 ECS projects, with an overall success rate of 49.5%. In terms of success rate, the Faculty is the best in Engineering Panel for GRF 2016-17 among all UGC funded institutions. This year the research proposals submitted by Prof. Huang Jie and Prof. Chen Nan respectively were rated a full score of 5.0 via a rigorous peer review process by the RGC subject panels which consist of a network of expert reviewers.
The 2016-17 funded projects cover a wide range of engineering topics such as biomedical engineering, communications and networking, big-data analytics, robotics, financial engineering, optimization, optics, etc. Selected examples include:
Principal Investigator | Project Title | Research Area | Prof. CHOI Chung Hang Jonathan | A Novel Polydopamine@poly (adenylic acid) Nanoparticle for Crossing the Blood-brain Barrier and Selectively Targeting Neurons in Vivo | Biomedical Engineering | Prof. BIAN Liming | Bio-inspired Fast-gelation Bioadhesive Hydrogels for Biomedical Engineering Applications | Prof. HUANG Jianwei | Collaborative Economics of Wireless Networks | Communications and Networking | Prof. HUANG Jie | The Certainty Equivalence Principle and the Cooperative Control of Networked Systems with its Applications | Control Systems | Prof. TANG Xiaoou | Unsupervised Deep Convolutional Network Learning of Discriminative Representation | Big-data Analytics | Prof. CHENG James | Building an Efficient System for Large-Scale Graph Analytics | Prof. LI Lingfei
| Research Topics for Some Jump Processes in Financial Engineering | Financial Engineering | Prof. CHEN Nan | Simulation from Characteristic Functions | Prof. WU Qi | Asymptotic Analysis of Portfolio Tail Risk and the Diversification Effect under Multivariate Elliptical Distributions for Static Portfolios | Prof. LI Duan | Towards More Effective Convex Reformulation and Relaxation of Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming | Optimization | Prof. HE Xuedong | Stock Trading with Realization Utility | Prof. SHU Ching Tat Chester | Distortion-Compensated Optical Phase Conjugators for Multi-Wavelength Communication Systems | Optical devices & communications | Prof. CHEN Lian Kuan | High-speed Mobile Visible Light Communications and Networking for Eco-friendly Underwater and Intelligent Transportation Applications |
The funded project list is available at
The Faculty will continue to strive for excellence in both basic research and applied research. |