2017 Apr | Volume 172

Students' Voice Heard from the ITSC Student User Consultation Committee

ITSC keeps reviewing the services with students and seeks improvement. In addition to regular feedback collection through service desk and survey, e.g. Student User Satisfactory and Needs Survey (see the 2016 report), we also exchange ideas with students through Student User Consultation Committee (SCC).

SCC was established by ITSC in 2001. It has been serving as a bridge between student unions / associations, faculties, Office of Student Affairs and us. Through meetings and communication with student representatives, ITSC proactively consults with members before any service launch, change and termination. We also collect student opinions on the current IT services and followed up, for example in late 2016, students brought up showing major GPA in CUSIS and now it's there!
Our last meeting has just been held in April. If you want to know what topics we covered, please visit ITSC homepage for details.

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